C h a p t e r 6

263 11 1

*Hajime's POV*

If Nagito doesn't want to tell us why he isn't coming to class, then I can respect that. But even so, I feel like something isn't right. It was some kind of strange feeling I could feel in my gut. Something is wrong.

I don't have much time to think about it, because Chiaki and Mikan drag me into our next class. We sit down near the back of the room. It's not like we're the bad kids who throw spitballs at the back of the nerdy students' heads. We just like the peacefulness. When I'm in the back of the room, I don't feel like so many people are watching me.

A few moments later our teacher, Chisa Yukizome, enters the room. She has a bright smile on her face, just like she always does. Adults always seem to be full of energy. It's kind of strange, considering most adults have children. Children are supposed to be exhausting, aren't they?

"Okay, let me take attendance," she says. Her voice is sweet like maple syrup, and light like cotton candy. I've always like the way she talks. It gives off a positive vibe to everyone who hears it.

She starts reading down the list, saying the names she came across. Finally, fifteen names later, she finishes. But I didn't hear his name get called. I look in back corner of the room and see an empty seat with carvings into it. He's in this class, isn't he?

I raise my hand. "What about Nagito?"

Chisa looks up and raises her eyebrows. "Who's Nagito?"

I feel a shot of aggravation go through me. He wasn't kidding, was he? People do ignore him. That's just...not right.

"He's one of your students," I say. "He sits in the back. Nagito Komaeda."

She looks back down at her list and shakes her head. "I'm sorry hon. Komaeda isn't in this class."

"But he is," I say. "He's been in here every day, but he isn't today he isn't because he has something to do. "

"Well, it seems quite a few students had stuff to do today," she says, blowing a piece of her hair out of her face. "Pekoyama, Kuzuryuu, Nidai, and Owari are all missing."

Honestly, those guys are usually out of class. They're the toughest group in Hope's Peak. They won't hesitate when it comes to causing pain.  If you even so much as look at them the wrong way, you'll feel like your stomach has been shoved into you esophagus.

Wait a minute...


No no no no no.

My hand shoots into the air faster than a flash of lightning. "Can I be excused Miss Yukizome?"

She looks up at me and smiles. "Be back quickly Hinata."

I nod my thanks and bolt out the door and down the halls. It can't be true, can it? I'm just overreacting, right? Yeah, that has to be it. An overreaction. It's all fine. Everything is fine.

I exit the building and look around, searching for Fuyuhiko and his gang. They're nowhere to be seen, but I do find someone. When I see him, I'm relieved, but the fear quickly masks the feeling.

Nagito is on the ground, lying still. His face is bruised badly enough to send chills down my spine. I rush over to him and shake him, trying to get him to regain consciousness. "Nagito!? Are you okay!?"

To my relief his eyes slowly peel open and he gives me half a smile. "It's just
a bruise Hajime." He laughs halfheartedly. "I get much worse all the time."

Much worse? What does he mean by...?

"I'll go get Ms.Yukizome," I say. Before I can go anywhere, he grabs my wrist with a weak grip.

"Don't," he says. "Just...I need to sleep."

I nod quickly. "I'll text Chiaki. She can tell Ms.Yukizome I'll be out for the rest of the day."

Nagito lets go of my wrist and looks up at me with confusion on his face. "Huh?"

"I'm bringing you to my house, and I'm gonna take care of you," I state. "Don't argue against it." It feels kind of odd. I only met him today, and almost everyone hates him, yet I feel like I can't let him go on without me. It's strange, isn't it?

After I text Chiaki, I pull Nagito up from the ground and put my arm around his waist, wrapping his other arm around my neck. I support him as we walk to my car. I help him into the passenger seat and finally sit in the driver's seat, turning the engine on.

We drive in silence. When we get to a red light, I turn to look at Nagito. His head is rested against the window, his eyes closed. Through the colors forming on his face, I can see a smile. Even in this situation, he is smiling. It's kind of adorable.

Wait, what was that just now? That thought... What was that?

I shake my head, sending the thought to the back of my head. I can't be distracted. Not even by whatever that was. I need to focus on him. On Nagito.


{A Little More Hope} ~ KomaHinaWhere stories live. Discover now