Not a Big Secret // Sit With Me

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{Louis' POV}

Lunch. Finally. I was absolutely famished and couldn't wait to eat my pasta and hang out with Harry.

Usually, Eleanor and I don't eat together because we don't want to be that couple where we are together all the time and spend little to nearly no time with our friends.  Plus its much more exciting to see eachother at the end of the day when its like this.

"He-h-hey mate!" Harry shouts to me while waving his hand and twisting his body to facing me. "Hello, hello!" I say back, just as excited sounding, slightly moking him. "How was gym class, mate?" I ask while stuffing my mouth. "Yah... It was gym."  He said while looking down at his food, stirring it around. He had a smile on his face. "Gym, hey?" I say crooking an eyebrow. "Eyup, just ordinary gym. How was your.. uhh.. class before this mate?" He said tyring to get off the topic. Right after he said that, he looked over his shoulder. His eyes were glued to one girl walking in the oposite direction from us. Wasen't that Eleanor's friend?

"Well, uhm, that wasen't a big hint." I said sarcastically. Harry then shot around and laughed. "It wasen't meant to be a big secret Lou." Harry took a bite of his food. His lunch looked tastier than mine.

"Isn't that Elles friend?" I said with furrowed eye brows. "What do you mean Elles friend? I've never seen them together." Harry said, questioning me. "hmph.." I then took out my phone. "Watcha doin'? Harry said while trying to peak over the table. "I'm going to text Eleanor asking her what Grace was wearing today." I heard Harry gulp hard. "Who-oo-h--oh mate! So Grace hey? I guess we are all united in some way now?" I said. Harry looked at me with large eyes. "I-uh, guess we won't need to text her then." Harry said, still looking tense. "I guess not."

{Grace's POV}

"Hey Gracie!" Eleanor said while waving me over. "FINALLY LUNCH!" I shouted a bit to loud for comfort. "Oh my godness yes!" Eleanor said while laughing and looking down at her plate with big eyes and hands spread out, framing her food. I chuckled at how we share a great love for breakfast, lunch & Dinner.

Just at the right time a blonde-haired, very slim boy came trotting over... with a massive plate of food. Fast metabolism. "Heya there Nially!" Eleanor said patting her hand on the seat next to her, across from me. "Allow allow allow!" He said with a big ol' grin, trotting over. "This my friend, is Grace, Grace Katherine Trippy." Eleanor stated, looking proud. "Jeez Ellie, I'm not royality, you don't have to say or even remember my full name!" I said laughing and staring her straight into the eye."Just call me Grace or Katie. Which ever you prefer." I said with a smirk on my face and slowly looking over to Niall. "Grace it is." He said winking and kissing my hand. I rolled my eyes and we all laughed.

"So how'd you two meet?" I asked "We have known eachother for years. Great buds actually." Eleanor mentioned as Niall pulled her into a tight side hug and giving her a noogie. "Really?" Elle said with sarcastic annoyance to Niall. "Enough about us, I'm dying to know: Are you not from here love? Your accent is different." He very sincerely. "Well so is yours!" I said back. "I'm originally from Canad-" I couldn't finish my sentence without being heard. "WHAT?!?!" Eleanor shot up and shouted beyond anything I've heard. Good thing the lunch room is already louder than her, although we did get a few looks. "YOUR FROM CANADA?" Eleanor said lowering her tone and sitting down. "Yes, I guess we never talked about this, have we?" I said laughing quietly. Niall looked at me to see my reaction. I then smiled at him. "NOPE." Eleanor said, looking like her mind had just exploded. "Why is it such a shocker to you that she's from Canada? I'm from Ireland. Oh, by the way Grace, I', from Ireland, if you didn't already guess." He explained to Ellie. Then looking at me, he sarcastically stated, then shooting a wink. He was kinda cute. But I feel like I have my feelings set on Harry.  We'll see how it goes with Niall for now.

Lunch ended and off to Science it was.

Whenever I thought of getting to see Harry, my heart pounded fast and a smile crept on my face.

As I walked into the class, Harold was already there, I met my eyes with him and he patted a seat next to him. We didn't even arrange this... Why was he treating me so special? Whatever it was, I am likin' it! He was sitting next to a window on the right side of the class. There was a platform where two people could sit at, and work as lab partners.

"Wouldn't all the girls in the class be trying to get this seat?" I chuckled while putting my bag down. "I told them it was reserved for someone special." My Eyes darted to his. He was smiling, showing these gorgeous dimples he had. "Wow.." I whispered without even realizing. "What?" He said laughing, keeping eye contact with me. "Oh.. uhm. Hah..." I bet I looked like a nervous wreck when he said that. I didn't know what to say. "GOOOOOOD AFTERNOON CLASS! AND WELCOME TO YOUR SECOND DAY OF SCIENCE!" Saved by the bell.

The teacher was kinda preppy, and looked to be working at this school for a long time. He tought well though.


I found that Harry is a very good Lab partner, so maybe this will be a permanent thing. But I can't get my hopes up, people make decisions to hang out with others. I can't be their number one, which is okay. I'm usually tossed around, so I am used to it. It really is only reasonable though if he did want to work with someone else. I can get pretty boring.. and it's not like I am the only person in the world!

HEEEELELLOOOWWWW :3 Don't forget to share and rate my favourite people in the world <3 Happy CANYADIAN Thanks Giving Day ;P It was kind of a poopy chapter but I can't wait to write the next one!


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