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          Penny had been looking everywhere for Ebsy and had made it to the other side of town.  She checked the park, the frozen yogurt shop, alley ways… Ebsy was nowhere to be found. She had just given up hope when she bumped into Billy, a guy that she knows from the Laundromat.

‘Hi, uh, Penny right?’ Billy asks.

‘Yeah. And you’re Billy.’

‘Yeah… what are you doing on this side of town?’ The Laundromat is on the other side of town, you see.

Penny sighs. ‘I’m helping a… friend, to find his sister. You haven't happened to see a sixteen year old girl wandering around? Curly brown hair, apparently wearing a red dress and a black fur coat?’ she asks, hoping that maybe Billy had seen Ebsy.

‘Black fur coat?’

‘I know it sounds mad. I'm not even sure if she’s real, but her so-called brother is really worried about her.’

‘I think I know where she is…’ Billy had, in fact, seen Ebsy. How?  Billy is Dr Horrible’s alter-ego. As in, when Dr Horrible isn’t being Dr Horrible, he is Billy, the average guy on the street. You see, after the van was stopped (by Ebsy, and not Captain Hammer (which is the name of the tall, muscly man), Dr Horrible quickly stole the case of wonderflonium for his time-stopping Freeze Ray, which is what his planned plan was for- he had to steal the wonderflonium for his time-stopping Freeze Ray so that he could stop time and rule the world with the girl that he loves. Who just happens to be…? Penny. As in, the Penny who is looking for Ebsy. All up to speed? Good. Anyway, so Dr Horrible stole the case of wonderflonium for his time-stopping Freeze Ray and raced back to his lab where he got out of his lab coat and goggles and got into track-pants and a shirt to face the out world and somehow get Penny’s attention.

‘Really?’ Billy nods. ‘Can you show me, Billy?’

‘You want me to help?’

‘If it wouldn’t be any trouble…’

‘No! No, it’s fine! This way.’

And so, Penny followed Billy to where the van had stopped and Ebsy and Captain Hammer are still fighting.

‘I stopped it ok! I was in front of you!’ Captain Hammer shouted.

‘I’ve told you already: I STOPPED THE DAMN VAN! Huh, that rhymed… damn van…’ Ebsy laughs to herself.

‘Excuse me?’ Penny says, trying to get their attention, but the two didn’t hear her over their bickering.

‘HEY! SHUT UP!’ Billy yells. Moist, Captain Hammer and Ebsy all stop and stare at Billy.

‘What? Hang on a mo., what happened to the cool goggles? Dude, I loved those goggles!’ Ebsy sighs, upset that the goggles are gone. Billy looks at her weirdly.

‘You said your name was Ebsy, right?’ Billy asks.

‘Mhmm. What of it?’

‘Ebsy, my name is Penny. I’ve met your brother, Ge-’ Ebsy cuts Penny off.

‘Geoffrey?! Is he ok? Where is he?’

‘He’s at the hospital. He hit his head and is making up wild stories about being king or something.’

‘He’s not making it up. He’s the Llama King. He never lies, unless it’s a joke.’

‘Right… would you like me to take you to him?’

‘Yes please! Cya, Tall Muscly Man Who Did Not Stop the Van. Thanks for the help, Moist. Ciao, Dr Hor-’

‘Bye Ebsy, have fun, see you! Have a good life!’ Billy yells. He turns to go back to his lab when Penny stops him.

‘Billy! Wait! I was hoping you could come with us. I'm sorta lost at the moment… I don’t normally come to this side of town.’

‘Billy? Is that your first name?’ Ebsy asks him.

Billy sighs and starts walking in the direction of the other side of town. ‘Come on, I’ll show you.’

So the Caring Woman, the Girl in the Fur Coat and the Secret Evil Genius To Be head toward where the Crazy Llama Guy was waiting.

The Many Adventures of Geoffrey the Llama KingWhere stories live. Discover now