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While Geoffrey tells the group about Cassia, Missy whispers a spell: “Canza jiki, musanya zuciya. Izinin rai na shiga da iko. Canza jiki, musanya zuciya. Izinin rai na shiga da iko.

 "Why didn't you tell me sooner, Geoffrey? I... I..." Ebsy falls silent.

 "Ebsy? What's the matter?" Moist asks, and as he goes over to her, Missy stops chanting. Ebsy clutches her head.

 "Ebsy?" Geoffrey gazes at her, worried.

 Ebsy looks up and her hand dropping to her side. A coy smile dances on her lips and her body language changing completely. "Hello, Brother. Miss me?" she asks.


 "Yes, Geoffrey."

 "How are you doing that? What have you done to Ebsy?"

                "Me? Oh, nothing. I'm just borrowing her body for a bit. Unfortunately, I couldn't bring mine."

 "Leave her alone, Cassia" Geoffrey warns.

 "Oh, keep your head on, I won't hurt her. I just wanted to talk to my baby brother." Geoffrey glares at her. "Now then, let’s get down to business: I want my crown back."

 "Father left it to me."

 "What a bucket of cold fish. I'm the eldest. It should be mine. But I knew you wouldn't hand it over like that, so I'm making you a deal." She saunters over to him. "I let you come home, and you give me what is rightfully mine. Agreed?"

 Geoffrey shakes his head, anger in his eyes.

 "No?" Ebsy/Cassia exclaims, fake shock in her voice. "I would've thought you would've agreed, seeing as Ebsy wants to go home and forget what happened last night..." She grinned at him. "I know you want to help her. I can read it in your face. Come on, Brother. She'll be so happy to be home."

Geoffrey looks at Moist and Penny, unsure of what to do. “I’ll give you time to think it over. But for the meantime…” Ebsy gasps, her eyes rolling to the back of her head as she collapses. Moist runs to Ebsy and try to get her to regain consciousness.

“What was that? Was that Cassia?” Penny asks Geoffrey, who just shakes his head.

“She was gone. How can she back?” he mutters to himself, sitting down.

Moist cradles Ebsy’s head in his lap. “Come on, Ebsy. You need to wake up. Come on…” He looks up at Missy as a thought dawned on him. “Geoffrey, was Missy muttering something just before Cassia took over Ebsy?”

Geoffrey glances at Missy, who is just standing in the same spot, not moving, but staring at Ebsy. He goes over to her and clicks his fingers in front of her face. Missy jerks and looks up at him.

“Wh- who are you? What happened?” she asks, the redness fading from her eyes.

“Missy? Are you ok?” Penny races over to Missy.

“Penny?” The two hug and then pull away. “What are you doing here? What happened?”

Penny glances at Geoffrey, who nods slightly. She then takes her hand, “Missy, you were being controlled by… well, some kind of witch.”

“A witch? But witches don’t exist, Penny.”

“Actually they do, just not in this world.” The two girls look up at Geoffrey, waiting for him to continue. He doesn’t. “Missy, we’re looking for a mirror. A very specific mirror.”

“A mirror… I only have one mirror, which I keep ‘round the back. I can go get it for you, if you want?” Geoffrey nods, and Missy returns a few seconds later with a small, hand-held mirror. “Is this what you are looking for?” She hands it to Geoffrey, who looks it over. It’s identical to the one that transported himself and Ebsy from Llama Land.

Meanwhile, Moist holds his wet hand to Ebsy’s head. “Uh, Geoffrey? Ebsy’s heating up,” As Geoffrey looks to them, Ebsy starts shimmering. Then, as soon as it has started, it stopped, and she went deathly pale. “What’s happening to her?”

“I don’t know…” Geoffrey rushes over to Ebsy and holds her wrist. He then feels a burning in his hand and looks down at the mirror, which is now shimmering as Ebsy had been. Penny, Missy and Moist all watch as the two foreigners start fading.

“Geoffrey? Geoffrey! Where are you going?” Penny calls.

“Home, I hope. Thank you for everything!” Moist stares down at where Ebsy had been, feeling a small tear in his heart.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 11, 2014 ⏰

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