Chapter 11: My WONDER Year

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Thanksgiving Night 1985

(J.R. Junior, Lucas, and Penny watch The Cosby Show on Television)

Penny: It's getting late Junior aren't you ready to go to bed????

J.R. Junior: Noooo. I wan stai up and watc The Cosssbie Shooow.

(Lucas and Penny laugh)

(Lucas points at the T.V.)

Lucas: Who is that man Junior???

J.R. Junior: Bell Cosssbiee....

(Lucas and Penny laugh loud)

Lucas: You little pumpkin head you....

(Lucas tickles J.R. Junior, J.R. laughs loud)

Penny: Stop Lucas!!! You're gonna make him pee on hiself again....

Lucas: Alright Junior come on so I can tuck you in its getting late....

J.R. Junior: Okay Uncie Lucesss....

(Penny smiles as Lucas picks up J.R. Junior and takes him in the other room)

(Penny turns the Television to the news)

(T.V. Reporter: And as far as Park Slope Brooklyn's Bar 4 turned out to be a Mayhem tonight. 5 African American men were badly beaten. Steve is there now. STEVE....

( Steve: Hello Jan, I'm here outside of Park Slopes Bar 4. With me here is the Owner Lorenzo Kendricks. Can you explain to me what happened???

(Lorenzo: 5 guys started a fight here tonight, they got the worse end of the fight and I called 911. I saw the whole thing. J.R. and Omar acted on self defense....

Penny: Oh my God Lucas come here!!!!

(Lucas walks in)

Lucas: What????

Penny: Loook.....

(T.V. Reporter: The 5 men claim this guy Jerrick J.R. Payton

(J.R.: Get these (Bleep Bleep) Hand cuffs offa me, Those (bleep bleep) got what they deserved ( bleep bleep)

(Lucas covers his face)

(T.V. Reporter: And this guy Omar Stokes

(Omar: I didn't do (Bleep) These (bleep bleep hand cuffs too tight (bleep) Heyyyy J.R. (Bleep) the cops.

(T.V. Reporter: Beat the 5 guys in a somehow bar brawl. The 5 guys Archie Wayne, Kyle Jamison, Gary Wayne, Timothy Jones, and Dennis Clifton argue for a criminal case and charges against Payton and Stokes. Recent Documents against Jerrick Payton reveals that he is a well known Brooklyn Street Fighter. A further investigation is being followed. Back to you Steve.

(Lucas turns off the T.V.)

Penny: Oh my God.....

(J.R. Junior runs in)

J.R. Junior: I just saw my Daddi on T.V.. 

(Lucas and Penny look at each other)

Counselor Michaels: Wowwwww. And when I say Wow, I mean wow.

(J.R. smerks)

Counselor Michaels: What did you take from that whole situation....

J.R.: I was a Brooklyn street fighter. That's what they labeled me as, that's what I was. Eversince that night they showed me on T.V. I was the star, not the star that I wanted to be but the star.... People saw me everywhere I went and spoke to me as If I was Mike Tyson. It made me more hateful, more foolish, more wild. The 5 motherfuckas that I beat up I say I because I clearly didn't need Omars help, but I'm glad he was there it was just another adventure in our History Book. Only 3 of the 5 men testisfyed on the stand, Lorenzo being an eye witness and testifying in court got us off. My lawyer represented me and Omar. The case was dismissed, but my troubles wasn't..... 86 was the year where I wondered what I was doing and where I was going!!!!!

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