Chapter 3: Enchantments

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POV: Khadgar

  I'm surprised. That mysteriously beautiful nightelf hasn't appeared since last week and since then not much has happened except that ive been itching to practice the spell I've been working on but every time I try I just get to nervous so I've given up, for now. Currently I'm minding my own business walking by the mages towers, you know checking all the hidden shops for an herb I've been looking for. 

 " pssst..... " 

" huh?" I questioned tilting my head a bit as I looked around for this newfound voice.

" over here " I looked around into a rather dark alley.

" who's there? " I asked squinting my eyes into the black suddenly noticing a shadowy figure crouched down. " show yourself. " I demanded reaching to my side and pointing my staff into the direction of the alley. Ten seconds passed and nothing. Twenty. Thirty. 

 "Alrighty then" I gripped my staff tighter as my hand became sweaty. I'm not sure why but this was making me a lot more nervous then I should've been. I took one step toward the figure... another step, another, another until I was standing directly infront of this odd creature. I bent down, it's back was facing me and I could hear it quietly cackling. I reached a shaky hand out toward it and then it was gone. It vanished in my grasp and suddenly my hand was filled with pain. I dropped my staff with a thud and grabbed my wrist tightly trying to stop this unknown pain. I fell to my knees groaning and turned my hand around. I couldn't stop shaking the pain was unbelievable. As i faced it toward me my breath caught in my throat. There was a symbol carved into my palm, blood around the edges of it and I had no idea what it was. My mind was racing and my heart was pounding so loud that I could hear it in my ears and then my head quickly turned around as I heard laughing behind me. 

  " Are you kidding me!? " I yelled and suddenly the pain was gone. I looked out at my perfectly fine hand. I huffed blowing the hair out of my face. I turned toward Ven and it was clear how annoyed I was. 

 " Remember Khady affliction warlocks are growing stronger and little mages need to conteract this " sarcasm was practically dripping from her lips as a smirk lay on her face. I squinted my eyes at her and- wait did she just call my Khady? My eyes squinted more.

" I hate you. " I muttered rolling my eyes so hard that it actually hurt. I got up dusting my pants and raisied my hood from my cloak walking as I walked past her wanting to get away. She really was on my last nerve. I promised I would help her if she helped me but this was almost pushing it too far.

" No, you hate enchantments " she said leaning against the wall. I turned around, glaring at her from under my hood. I really hate her. I thought as I headed away from there.

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