Chapter Eleven

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Venus' POV:

I cursed my self as I saw Wulf dart out of the room. Why had I said those things I know I may seem arrogant but I've never meant to hurt anyone. I ran out of the room and down the stairs as quickly as possible, trying to catch up with the hunter. I heard a whistle as I pulled open the inn door.

" Wulf wait. " I called to him as I saw him pull himself onto a horse and click his heels. I saw as they galloped away into the pitch black. I frowned and groaned. What had I done, it was all a misunderstanding and I made things worse. I stood in the dark barefoot, cold and guilty. My hair blew in the wind and I shut my eyes inhaling deeply. I held the breath and released it as I opened my eyes. Why do I always have to make things hard for everyone else?

" Ven? " I turned to see Khadgar step out from the shadows, his face clueless.

" What are you doing outside?" He asked approaching closer, he began to chuckle " Is Wulf snoring, he always use to do that..." he spoke quieter but as he stepped closer I saw the concerned look on his tan face. He took a final step and placed his hand onto my shoulder.

" Are you alright? " I closed my eyes and turned away, his hand falling back to his side.

" I made a mistake. "

" What happened? Are you alright? " I cringed, he sounded so genuine and yet I just hurt one of the closest people in his life at the moment.

" I-I'm fine, it's not me you should be worrying about. " I turned to face him, his expression filled with curiosity and concern.

" Did something happen? " My head fell.

" Yes." I whispered. " Wulf, he- "

" Wulf? What did he do? I Did he hurt you? What happened.... " he questioned brows furrowed I went to answer but he wasn't finished. " Oh, if I see him I'm going to give him a stern talking to. How about I go talk to him now. Wait, what did he do again? " I put my hands up in defense before he could go on even more.

" Khadgar, he didn't do anything this is all my fault. " I practically begged him to believe me, even if he already had. " He accidentally walked in while I was changing and I....... I just lashed out. "

" He was watching you? " he questioned still a hint of anger in his voice, most-likely directed toward his vacant friend. I widened my eyes.

" N-No! It was all accidental. " I sighed slumping my shoulders. I looked at my fingers than back into Khadgars dark brown eyes. " Look, he ran before I could tell him I was sorry. " Khadgar squinted his eyes.

" What did you say to him. " I looked down in guilt. " Ven, What. Did. You. Say. To. Him."

I still couldn't make eye contact but, I could practically feel his glare. At least he wasn't mad at Wulf but now this bipolar Mage was furious with me.

" I-I don't know..... Some where along to lines of calling him gross and disgusting. "

" You what! " he said, arms pressed close to his body as his hands balled into fists. I flinched at his outburst and took a step back. He narrowed his eyes. " How could you... You could've said anything else but you had to tell him the one thing he already thought he was.. " I swallowed hard as the guilt came rushing.

" I-I'm sorry. " My voice cracked and I looked to the ground, head held in shame. If I was shifted my tail would be tucked and my ears would be flat against my head. Khadgar sighed and I saw the motion of his hand being brought up to his face, most likely pinching the bridge of his nose.

" It's....... alright. Where is he? " I looked up taken back a little.

" I'm not sure he mounted and went that way. " I said turning and pointed to road right behind me. I turned back towards Khadgar in time to see his nod.

" Look. " he said eyes boring in to mine. " I'm not going to waist anymore time being frustrated at you because that would just delay the already minimal amount of time we have so, we are going to go find Wulf, you will apologize and we'll get back to it, okay? " I nodded and he did the same. " Alrighty, let's get going then, you wait here one sec while I grab our things. " He walked off not waiting for me to reply.

I sighed and walked over to a small bench sitting outside by the inn wall. Plopping onto it i shook my head and buried it into my hands. This was not how I was expecting my life to go. Being raised by an aspect, figuring out I'm different and not in a good way, being terrible with social skills, finding two men who I thought were supposed to help me but, some how I let loose around them and ruined everything.

I looked up to the night sky. Small shining dots glittered the vast void of black.

" I wish you were here still Nel, you were like a father to me, someone I could trust. Someone I could love.... " I whispered to the one person who that mattered in my life. I blinked back I shed tears as I saw Khadgar approach me.

" Let's go " he said carrying three leather bags, one being Wulf's.


We had gone two five different inns, five! And yet we still had not found Wulf.

" Thanks anyway. " I heard Khadgar tell the inn keeper as he walked out of the small building. I looked at him and he shook his head indicating we had not found him yet. I sighed this was all my fault.

" Hey, we'll find him, don't worry. " How could he be so hopeful when I wasn't. How does he know that we'll find him when we've come so far and still nothing. We mounted up onto our horses and continued going North.

" I don't understand, how could he of gotten so far in such a little amount of time. " We had been galloping from town to town and he was some how still ahead of us.

" I'm not sure but we'll find Wulf. I always have. " He said clicking his tongue and then raced off. I repeated his actions and followed in suit, wind blowing through my hair.

Why don't I just leave, I mean I'm a cross, I can do what ever I want. I could find someone else to help me. I don't need them, right? Or do I?

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ A/N

Soooooo, it's been a while. No, I have not have writers block I actually have a lot of ideas but what I'm about to say might seem like excuses but it's really not, I've just been super busy :)

First of all, because I literally moved across the country, I've had to adjust so schools been crazy, I made the soccer team and got voted team captain

 ( Whattt!!!! )

Also Legion came out a little bit ago so I've been checking that out, and already got my two mains to 110 ( took me a while but I did it ) But, back to the "excuses " I managed to drop my phone in a toilet so it was chilling in some rice for a couple days, but my I pad has gotten a lot more attention and even though my phone works now I've been on my I pad a lot. I started selling my art again :) yaaaay. And last but not least I've been trying to find a way to change this story slowly. I'm not sure if I like the outcome, but I won't be deleting I'll just keep going and change my writing style a little bit but, for how long I want this story to go is a lot for one person, I don't have an editor or anyone to help me with writing all this so bear with me I'm doing the best I can  right now. But! I will be hopefully putting up some more chapters soon so watch out, also thanks for 1K !!!!!!!!!!!!! how did that even happen!!!!!!!!! :))

Also I'm adding some more characters, preferably a readers character ;) you know who you are. So be sure to be looking out for that, and thank you so much for sticking around and actually reading this book. It's you guys who keep me going :)

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