Chapter Nine: Fel?

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Chapter nine: 

Wulf's POV:

" h-hey slow down. " I attempted to pull my arm from Ven's grip but man that girl was persistent. She ignored my protest and continued dragging me through Elwynn Forest. I looked around trying to examine or surroundings and also trying to not trip over roots and fallen branches. All I could see where trees. The orange leaves crunched under our quick feet.

I mean this was happening way to fast. I just found out that Ven might miraculously be Deathwings daughter.... how does that even happen? It's been hundreds of years and somehow here she is pulling, well dragging me toward who knows where. Where we'll find who's knows what. She mentioned about knowing where Khadgar is but that's impossible. He's probably studying trying to find away to defeat fel forever and save 'his kingdom'. I scoffed under my breath. Like that'll ever happen.

I was to busy thinking that I didn't even see the raised root on the ground, before I knew it my foot got caught and I fell face first on the very rough dirt. I made an 'oof' noise as my left cheek scrapped a rock on the ground. I lifted my head up still disoriented to see Ven standing there arms crossed and foot impatiently tapping. I narrowed my eyes as she sighed, still not asking me if I was alright.

" You know for a general of the guard, you're too clumsy. " She said standing there the same as before. I rolled my eyes as I set my hands infront if me, pushing myself up off the ground. I felt something wet land on my hand as I began to sit with my legs under me. I looked down to see a drop of blood. Great just what I needed. Know my friends will never let this one go. I lifted my hand to my face and felt a sting of pain. I shook it off and stood up, trying to forget about the twinge.

" Ready to go know?" she said, but she really wasn't waiting for an answer she just turned and continued walking.

" yeah, I'm fine thanks for asking...." I mumbled under my breath as I jogged to catch up with her.

About ten minutes later I heard some loud breathing and as we walked into the clearing I got my answer as to what it was.

There in the middle of the trees laid the one and only Corymbus.

" Huh? What's he doing all the way down here?" Ven must not of heard me because she drew out a silver dagger out from her belt and before I could stop her she walked straight towards the sleeping beast.

His eyes shot open as he heard her footsteps in the grass. He darted his head toward her and immediately he went into defensive mode.

" W-Woah slow down there tiger. " I ran towards Ven standing in front of her and Corymbus. She narrowed her eyes.

" What do you think you're doing. " she said through gritted teeth. I raised my hands up in defense as I still heard Corymbus growling.

" Stopping you. " She raised her dagger.

" You're protecting an animal that has probably killed innocent people. " she warned still glaring at me.

" No, this isn't a wild animal. This is Khadgar's griffin, Corymbus. " I moved my hand behind my back setting on his beak with out even looking. I was trying to let him know he was okay. But by the way his beak was still vibrating I knew he was not ready to back down. She looked shocked at our contact but nonetheless kept her weapon raised.

Corymbus had enough as he began to stand up. He raised to his full height, his head reaching close to six feet. He was an abnormally huge animal but he was a big baby under all that muscle. He shook his feathers and stood behind me, eyes still locked with hers. I turned only to be met with his chest and an old scar. But that's wasn't what caught my attention, it was what laid underneath his hind legs.

Khadgar laid there, unconscious. Hair a strewn, and his breathing was heavy. I felt rather then heard Corymbus growl loudly. But that didn't matter.

" Khadgar?....." I whispered. That caught his attention. Corymbus let out as soft whimper as he looked down at me, ears pinned back. He held a soft gaze as he backed up, letting me tend to my friend. I heard as gasp and the drop of her dagger.

She ran over and kneeled next to me. I rested my hand on Khadgar's chest feeling it rise and fall slowly.

" W-What...... happened. " i looked to Corymbus for answers but all he could do was look at Khadgar sadly. His forearms were covered in scratches, his robe torn and a blue sword was next to him- wait? A blue sword? I looked at it, intrigued. I reached out to touch it but a hand roughly grabbed my wrist. I heard the griffin growl as I looked down to see Khadgar's eyes. Although they weren't actually his, they were covered with a glow of green. I couldn't look away. They were so.. weird.

Corymbus paced frantically before he pinned Khadgar's arms to the ground and roared in his face. I grabbed my sore wrist but the sudden noise seemed to take Khadgar out of his trance. He blinked rapidly as Corymbus backed off. He sat up slowly still not noticing me or the nightelf. Speaking of Ven I glanced over to her. Her face was full of fear and shock. But I looked back to my friend as he turned to look at us.

" W-ulf......... Ven.........?" he said looking to the two of us.

" What happened?" his voice was a bit raspy and he began to rub the back of his head.

" H-ho-how long where you in that pool again?" Ven questioned nervously.

" What pool? All I remember is.. oh... that pool. " he said sheepishly.

" I don't really remember.. all I remember is the Guardian opening the portal to Stormwind and then...." he looked down suddenly finding the grass interesting.

" It's the Fel isn't it. " he said looking up at me under his brown hair. I nodded slowly afraid to say yes.

" I noticed it when I would do incantations, there would be sparks of green and I thought it was nothing." I looked down but raised my brow in confusion. Ven began to speak but I cut her off. I reached to the sword and held it in my hand. Khad just looked at me, letting me inspect it. It was Frostmourne no doubt and I figured the king had given it to him so I let it slide as I put it back down on the grass. Ven began to speak again but for the second time I cut her off.

" We need you to learn the spell Khad. " Ven growled in annoyance but I caught Khadgar's attention. His blue eyes bore into my brown ones but he smirked. " You need to protect Stormwind. " I know what Varian would say but I refused to believe my friend was corrupted. He just couldn't be and he won't. I stood up and he followed in suit picking up his sword and placing it on his band. Ven sat still pouting as I held my hand out for him.

He took it and I brought him close.

" Time to defeat the evil. " I whispered in his ear. I felt him smile at our saying.

" Forever and always. " he replied 

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