Chapter Seven: A sword and Corymbus

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< after the attack on Goldshire >

Ƙհαδɡαɾ's POV:

" King Llane! "

I ran up the steps toward the castle rushing to the king. " King Llane! "

Two guards stepped out in front me blocking my path. I halted to a stop and slouched forward trying to regain my breath. I looked up at the two.

" I need to speak to the King. " raising up to my full height, I scrunched my brows but the two stood still.

" State your quarters please. " I squinted my eyes. Did they not realize who I was?

" I'm Archmage Khadgar, chosen Mage of the Kirin'Tor, protector and savior of Azeroth. " The two guards finally made eye contact with me after realizing who it was they were stood in front of. I raised a questioning brow and one opened his mouth to speak but a pair of hands had made there way to each of their soldiers. They jumped in surprise and quickly swirled around.

" King Llane. " they spoke in unison as the bowed and separated to their own side of the hallway. I gave a smirk to each and looked at the old King.

" Ah, Khadgar I've been expecting you. " his hand landed on my shoulder as he gave me a gentle smile.

" Oh really? " I said tilting my head a bit as he pulled me lightly to walk along with him.

" Yes, a special operative of mine had came to me as soon as she saw Orcs break past the border in Redridge. " He paused and turned toward me once we made our way to his throne. " She noticed you and your comrades speaking as she flew over Goldshire to see another attack had happened. It was only a matter of minutes before I knew you'd come to me. " He continued walking toward the sword room past his throne and my head titles a bit as I followed.

" There were more Orcs? " how had two groups of Orcs made their way past the border? He nodded but my question didn't seem to be what he was focused on at this moment.

" There's something I'd like to give you before my son takes my position." He held his hand out in front of me motioning me to wait as he continued walking toward a wooden chest next to a rack of swords. He proceeded to pull out a dagger and sliced the palm of his right hand. I gasped at this sudden course of action.

" King Lla- " he put his other hand out again and I closed my mouth. He placed his right palm onto the chest and a blue glow surrounded the engravings that were on it. The chest popped open and later inside was a sword. Not just any sword but it was Frostmourne, the Lich King's sword. Reaching in he picked up the sword ever so carefully and held it out to me.

I was in shock and shook my head holding my hands up. " I couldn't. " I mean how could I take such a wretched thing.

" It belongs to you. " Huh?

" After Arthas had died he visited me in a vision. He didn't speak but I understood. He wanted his beloved Frostmourne to go to someone just as powerful as him. Now, whether that person was bad or good was up to the swords choosing and not to long ago I had another vision one with you, and the sword. " He placed the sword into my shaking hands. I just stared at it, the sun was setting and through the windows it casted a orange glare onto the sword. I looked up at the King. My mouth hung open and I was frozen.

He gave me a small knowing smile and placed a hand on my shoulder. " I know this is sudden but there will be a time when this sword is your biggest protector and when that time comes you will be in full power. But beware, your body is tainted with Fel." I was still so confused, this just came out of no where. What was going on, how was this possible.

" I just hope you make the right decision. " King Llane then held his hands out, chanted and before I knew it my feet where on grass and not on the gray stoned castle floor. I looked up, I was in Elwynn forest just outside Stormwind. Frostmourne still lay balanced in my hands. She was beautiful, a clean steel blade, blue engravings, and the handle was wrapped in blue dragon skin. I tied it to my belt making sure it was still hidden under my dark cloak.

I looked around completely forgetting what happened to my friend and Ven. I suddenly heard a screech in the air and saw Corymbus my gryphon flying above the trees. I grinned and whistled to call him down. He dove through the trees and onto the grass, hopping around a bit as his feet touched the ground. I rubbed his beak and moved my hand all the way down to his neck, feeling his feathers in between my fingers. He looked at me with eager green eyes. He wanted to fly and he wanted to fly a lot. I couldn't though. I needed to study and find out what to do know.

But I mean a few minutes wouldn't hurt wouldn't?

Turns out it would.

As soon as I hopped onto his back and pulled the reins up, telling him to fly. He pushed off and screeched as he flew fast in the clouds. I laughed and tilted my head back as he dove down then up and then down again. We soared high looking over Elwynn forest, exploring every inch in the sky. We made our way closer toward the way to Stranglethorn I heard a loud roar behind us. I turned my head and noticed a blood elf on the back of a wyvern and because of his bow I knew he was a hunter.

I dug my heels into Corymbus' ribs and his giant wings pushed faster. You could practically hear the air breaking. I turned my head once more seeing the elf push faster two but his wyvern was being testy.

As if it couldn't get any worse I shadow casted it's self over me and I looked up seeing a fel orc diving his mount right toward me and before I new it two claws grabbed onto my forearms and pulled me from Cory. The claws dug into my arms breaking the skin and causing me to cry out in pain.

I struggled to get loose and I noticed Corymbus looking up at the Wyvern eyes enraged as I was pulled from him. I closed my eyes chanting as blue mist surrounded my hands. I released and the animal cried out in pain as he released me from his death grip.

Before I knew it I was falling and failing fast. I screamed out in borrow as the trees grew nearer and the last thing I remember was Corymbus diving down and screeching as everything began to go black.

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