Chapter 5: Wulf

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A/N So I decided to make it more original and add a character of mine, if you would possibly want a character of yours ( WoW related ) let me know and I'll consider it :)

POV: Khadgar

" stupid me........ stupid nightelf....... stupid Azeroth " I continued muttering to myself as I looked at the ground kicking small pebbles. Currently I was making my walk to Goldshire I would be riding but my stubborn, annoying horse was slowly walking behind me as I held the lead in my left hand. The useless mare was being temperamental and I gave up. Suddenly I realized I was kicking up red water? No.. I was kicking up blood.

" Huh? " I looked up and noticed that Goldshire looked like it had been turned upside down completely. But, why was there so much blood? I looked down in front of me and noticed a green body laying there. 

" Orcs? What are they doing here? As if on que the brown mare beside me got spooked and ran off leaving a small rope burn on my hand but I was too interested in what lay before me to feel the tingy pain on my palm. This was peculiar and very odd. I stepped carefully over the limp body to get a look at its face. I crouched down and turned the Orc's body over. That's weird his eyes are pure white. Like he'd seen death itself. I put two fingers in the blood and brought them to my face for further inspection. Green magic surrounded it like a faint fog. I brought it up to my nose, it smelt like copper and death. Wait I know what this is, it's- 

 " It's Fel. " I jumped in surprise. Why do people always do this to me? I grabbed my staff and turned to face the voice. 

 " Wulf? " I smiled at my old friend standing above me. He smiled and opened his arms immediately giving me a brotherly hug. You see me and Wulf go way back. We met when I was ten in Darkshore and ever since then we were best pals. Until I was given to the Kirin'Tor and he was sent to Darnassus for hunter training. It wasn't until he let go that I noticed the tainted blood covering his arms, face, and chest. I looked down to my robes but to my surprise it was clean. The blood on his body was dried. 

  " You missed all the action bud. You shoulda seen it though there were about fifty of them, they ran through Redridge some how evading ever guard but I was on my way to Stormwind when I heard a commotion and BAM I took em' all out with the help of Everest here. " he grinned and patted his celestial leopard who looked at me with eagerness. My eyes opened in surprise.

  " You took out all of them? " this was unbelievable. Where were the citizens?

  " Yeah, I mean I had the help of a mysterious Druid but other then that I-"

  " Oh great.." I rolled my eyes at the mention of the ' mysterious Druid '. I knew exactly who he was talking about. Ven.

  " Uh? You know who it is? " He asked head tilted and black hair falling into his tan face. 

  " Yep " I said popping the p. " Unfortunately I do " 

 " He means he's ecstatic to know me " Ven said as she hopped down from the forge roof. Wulf raised a black brow at her, his brown eyes squinting a bit. 

 " I don't like you. " he said looking her up and down. " But... at the same time I do " he said smirking. It didn't last long though. It dropped as soon as he realized Everest held a defensive mode. 

 " She doesn't, so, yeah I don't like you. " he said crossing his arms. I shook my head getting back to the situation at hand. 

  " Where's the guards and the citizens and what do we do know? " Wulf looked at me shrugging his shoulders. 

  " I was able to get warning out to Golshire before the attack, and the other bodies on the ground aren't the Orc's. "  I formed my mouth in an ' O ' and looked around. This was one big mess I was glad not to be caught up in. 

 " Well I'll leave you two to clean up your messes. " I said making sure to look both of them in the eyes. 

 " I should probably let Lo'thar know about this 'Fel' attack. " I put my hood back on, grabbed my staff.  and I was about to leave but I was interrupted.

 " Hey, Khadgar? " Wulf said putting a strong hand on my shoulder. " You should be careful. I heard about you going into the Fel pond and if it's coming back I'm not sure if it'll effect you or not. " He said giving me a nervous smile. I nodded giving him a reassuring smile and I turned back toward Stormwind.

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