Act 9: Russian Misunderstandings

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A/N Sorry for the intermission, ladies and gentlemen, and also that tonight's performance will be cut a bit short. But fret not! The show shall resume its normal order after our holiday special next week. Now on with the show!

"Last chance, bruder."

"Nein. Feli is coming over."

"So? Bring him along."

"Nein. Feli said he wanted to... cook something for me." There was a small shudder in his voice at the thought of the Italian in their spotless kitchen.

Gilbert sighed. "Alright, Westen. But it vill be jour loss."

"Alright, Preußen." Ludwig chuckled, before rushing off to clean up after his boyfriend.

Gilbert sighed. He remembered a time when their roles were reversed, and Ludwig was the one trying to get his attention. Now he wished he could do it over. Don't get him wrong. He was happy Ludwig found someone to love. He just wasn't sure Ludwig cared all that much about him anymore.

He made his way to the tent where Matthew and Ivan were working with the bears.

"Jou ready to go, Mattie?"

"Just finishing up." said Matthew, putting away the bear's food before turning to ask him suspiciously. "Did you tell Arthur?"

"Ja, ja, he knows. He didn't care that much actually. I invited him out with us anyvay. In case he comes to his senses."

Matthew smiled and hugged him. "Thank you."

"You two are dating?" Ivan asked after leaving the bear's food in their cages.

"Ja, und vhat of it?"

Ivan frowned a little but just shrugged.

"All set, Mattie?" Gilbert asked, ready to be away from the Russian.

Matthew nodded but turned to Ivan.

"Gil and I are going to get some drinks. You want to come along, Ivan?" Matthew asked for the sake of his manners, but Gilbert grimaced at the suggestion.

"Uh... nyet . Spasibo."

Matthew wanted to be polite, but also didn't what to push the matter.

"Alright. We'll see you around then."

He waved and they went off, leaving Ivan by himself... again. He looked around aimlessly. There was no were to go, no one to meet. Everyone else was with the ones they loved. Which apparently didn't include him.

He backed up against the wall and slid down against it. His arms wrapped around his legs as he looked around the dark space. What had he done wrong? Why was it so hard to just be liked? He buried his face in his knees, tucking himself into a tight ball as he fought the tears that threatened to fall.

"Ivan?" Said a sweet voice he knew well.

He forced a smile back on and looked up. "Privet, Yao."

"Are you okay, aru?"

"Uh, da, I am okay." He said, at the same time getting tired of keeping up this smile.

Yao frowned a little then dropped down to sit cross-legged next to him.

"Don't lie to me, Ivan Braginski." said Yao, and Ivan's smile faltered a bit. "Don't use that fake smile on me. I want to know what's wrong, aru."

Ivan was frozen, his usual smile had fallen away. Yao's golden brown eyes peered into Ivan's own and Ivan lost the will to continue pretending.

"Do you know what it is like to not be welcome in your own home?" Ivan said, his voice beginning to tremble. "I knew dat as long as I liked men I was not welcome in Russia. Arthur was nice to hire me even dough dey had Matdew, but I am not welcome here either. I am alone. As always."

Yao listened with sad surprise. He had no idea that Ivan was gay. Most thought he was homophobic.

"Ivan, you're not alone. You will make friends, aru." said Yao, but Ivan just dropped his chin back to his knees.

Yao pecked him on the cheek and Ivan's eyes went wide. He looked up at Yao who had a slight blush.

"I don't like that face any more than your fake one, aru."

Ivan smiled at him. It was small, but it was real.    

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