Chapter Thirteen

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     I felt stupid for crying. I wish I hadn't, I felt so weak. I couldn't handle one battle. Scratch that, it wasn't even a battle just old memories. I just sat there, in the middle of the clearing, crying. So heroic. I pressed the back of my hand to my mouth to stifle the sobs. Everyone else was recovering, standing and shaking it off. I did the same, or at least tried. I stood on shaking legs, my body still feeling that evil cold. I sheathed my knife, it hadn't done much good anyway.

     "You guys okay?" I meant to say it confidently but it came out as a choked whisper. I repeated myself louder trying to keep my voice from shaking.

     "Fine." Lucy dusted off the front of her jeans that were covered with burn marks.

     "We're good." Annabeth gave me a grim look. "What was that?"

     "No idea, you're supposed to have all the answers." Annabeth glared at Lucy.

     "Look, sorry to interrupt, but I don't really wanna contemplate what it was. Especially not out here in the woods where we're practically sitting ducks waiting for monsters to come an pick us off." Percy nodded back to the faint glow of the distant campfire. I nodded, I just wanted to get away from this place. I wiped my cheeks as we trekked back through the woods.

     "What did you see back there?" I jumped at Lucy's voice. She grinned like a mad man at my reaction. "Easily scared?" I just nodded.

     "You could say that...." Lucy looked at me expectantly. "I saw...memories. Yeah, just memories." I sounded like I was trying to convince myself.

     "You look pretty shaken up. You okay?"

     "Fine. I'll be fine."

     "Good." From there we walked in silence.

     My feet ached by the time we were back at camp. The fire had died out and the cabins were dark.

     "I've got to go check on Mavis." Annabeth started toward the Big House. We followed her, concerned about Mavis's condition.

     "She's going to be fine." I jumped again at the dark figure leaning in the doorway to the infirmary. Even Lucy looked startled.

     "Jeez, Tara, why dont'cha scare us all to death?" The figure, Tara, lifted a lantern. It looked ancient yet unused. She held it to Lucy's hand. Flame flickered from her hand, fueling the oil lantern. "Who still uses these?" I could clearly see Tara's face now. She raised an eyebrow, looking annoyed.

     "Me." Lucy gave her a look after she turned around.

     "You don't say?" Lucy muttered angrily under her breath. We followed Tara to Mavis's bed, using the lantern as our only light. Annabeth knelt at the side of the bed, looking worried.

      "Is she going to be alright?" Mavis's left side was bandaged, blood seeping through the bandages. Even Tara looked nervous. She had an unsure look on her face but quickly relaxed, her face now a mask of calm. She wasn't going to let anybody know her suspicions, especially not with Annabeth in the room. It was obvious she and Mavis were close.  

      "I'm sure she'll be be alright." I spoke quietly, trying to reassure Annabeth. She nodded and rose to her feet.  

      "I hope you're right. You guys go ahead, get some sleep."

     "What about you?" Lucy asked.

     "I'll stay here. Just to keep an eye on her." Lucy nodded nervously, like she was afraid something would happen to Annabeth. We were all pretty skeptic of her choice but no one objected.

     "Okay." And with that, we followed Lucy out of the infirmary and back into the night.

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