Chapter Twenty-One

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When I returned to my cabin later that night, I had a hard time getting to sleep. When sleep finally found me, I wasn't so lucky as to have another dreamless sleep. I was in a vast, endless field. There was a strong breeze, my hair was being blown away from my face. A girl, dirty blonde hair, bordering on brown, was approaching me. Many other ordinary looking teenagers walked behind her. When she reached me, she smirked.

"Nice to see you again." The sourness in her voice made it sound like she would've been happy to never see me again. I recognized her, but I couldn't place who she was. "If only you knew how much damage you will cause." Others behind her simpered. "Get ready."

"For what?" I practically spat out the words. The girl, I now placed, Luna, didn't answer.

"Get ready. We're coming."

-End of Book One-

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