July2016 Contest (Closed)

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MCSM One-shot Write-off

Theme of the month: Lost

'Lost' opens up a wide range of possibilities and stories for the writers to choose from. Description is a key element in this type of theme, whether is the setting or the protagonist's mental state, the writer should build up the atmosphere in order to create the right tone for the story.

Tag: MCSMwritingcontest0716

Deadline: 20th July, 2016

MCSM Artists Head-to-Head

Theme of the month: MCSM Holiday

No matter what kind of holiday you chose, show some holiday spirit by adding some background or small little details in the drawing!

Tag: MCSMdrawingcontest0716

Deadline: 20th July, 2016

Judge(s) of the month:



This contest is closed. The next contest will be held on 1st August, so stay toon!

Stay Crafty! :D

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