Chapter One

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I woke up to the sound of a glass shattering right outside my window.

I let out a soft yawn before getting up and took a peek from the curtain. I squinted my eyes at the light coming from Nate's bedroom. He was sitting at the edge of his bed grabbing what seems to be his right foot with an annoyed expression on his face.

I opened my window and grabbed a pebble from my jar of pebbles on the night stand beside my bed and threw it at his window to get his attention. He turned to look at me and I grabbed the sketch pad from the drawer near my window and scribbled: Sleep walking again?

He sighed and nodded. He hopped on one foot towards his window and opened it.

"Did I wake you? Again?" He asked, embarrassment written on his face.

"Yeah. But honestly, what's new?" I chuckled. He smiled and shook his head. Nate always had a bad case of sleepwalking. He would be at it for a whole night until one of us wakes him up and gets him back into bed. Normally he would just stand at the foot at his bed for an hour and sometimes, he would be walking around the room, bumping into things causing them to fall into the floor and break. Just like right now.

"Seems like your foot is in bad shape. You okay?" He took a brief look at his foot before looking back at me and judging from his expression, I think he might be getting a little sick. "It's covered in blood and I think I'm gonna be sick." He said. He was sweating now and I couldn't help but worry.

"Need any help?" I asked, concerned. I knew Nate, he didn't like the sight of blood or the idea of blood even if his body was composed of it. He liked to believe that he was composed of water rather than blood because that's just how much he despised it. I never really understood why he hated blood so much. He hated it the way Voldemort hated Albus Dumbledore, so we never took his hatred for blood lightly.

"Nah it's alright. I'll just wake my sister up, she'll know what to do." He gulped and examined his foot again. He was slightly shaking and this time, I was sure he was going to faint soon.

"Nate, you look like you're going to faint." I pointed out the obvious. I was definitely worried now. The last time he fainted because of blood was merely about 5 years ago or so, we were sneaking out to have a bike race at the bare corn field a few minutes away from our house and he accidentally came over a large rock or boulder or something and lost control of his bike. He scraped his elbow and knee and his knee was just flooding with blood and he couldn't take it anymore and he fainted. We called our parents and later on suffered their wrath and we never went bike racing in the corn field again.

"On second thought, maybe you should come. Here-" he grabbed a pair of keys from his desk and threw them at me. "- you know which key is for the front door right? Please hurry." He pleaded and limped towards the edge of his bed.

I grabbed a pair of pajamas from my closet, put them on and went back to my window. I climbed out of it and positioned myself on the water pipe beside my window. Like what fire fighters do at their station, I slid down the water pipe like I used to ever since I was a kid. I'm kind of surprised that it was still strong enough to hold me. I trusted the pipe more than I trusted myself, honestly.

I tiptoed to their front porch and unlocked their front door quietly. Carefully, I closed the door behind me and walked slowly upstairs, careful not to wake his family. The last thing I wanted was for me to end up being accused of a home robbery but then again, his family knew me ever since the day I was born so that wouldn't happen. Probably.

I knocked on his door only to find it not locked and I let myself in. He was looking at me from the edge of his bed, sweat dripping from his forehead was more visible now and I couldn't help but feel sorry for the guy. He dreaded blood as much as I dreaded failing a class. I mean, I'm no nerd but I just didn't like the idea of flunking a class.

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