The Real Me

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A/N: Let's see what happens here

First Person POV
"Where's Glynda?" I thought as I was searching the whole academy, I was soon standing in front of Ozpin's office, I opened the door and went inside
"(F/N), have y-" He tried to speak but I cut him off
"Where's Glynda?" I asked him, he looked at me in confusion
"I was just about to ask you that" He said to me, I felt like something heavy was on me
"Don't tell me she ran off... Or maybe she was taken by kidnappers?!" I shouted as Ozpin placed his hand on my shoulder to calm me down
"Let's think about what happened first before we come to conclusions" He offered, I just nodded then we sat down and talked about what happened
"I see, so you fought someone who challenged you and killed him, then Glynda got upset and you walked away" He summarized the events, I just nodded and thought about why things happened like that
"Don't worry, we'll find Glynda and save her" He reassured me, I just nodded and went to where I last saw her, I didn't even bother look at Kurt
"What's this?" I said as I saw a piece of her cape, I felt something inside of me snap
"They... Roughed her up too... Huh...?" I thought as I was unconciously letting my aura flow, I soon regained composure and stopped my aura's outburst
"Judging by this cape... And this part of the grass that was seemingly stomped on hard, they went in this direction" I said as I walked pass Kurt's corpse and continued walking forward until I heard a weird sound below me like a metal
"So this is where you're hiding?" I said as I forcefully pulled out the hatch and placed it beside me before I jumped down and saw a lot of hunters looking at me and Glynda was asleep in a cage, she didn't seem to be hirt or even touched
"I see... You plan to auction her... Huh?!" I said as I let my insanity take over
"Kill... Kihihihi... On this hellish occasion we'll bathe in blood!" I said as I charged towards the hunters and sliced them up, they couldn't even take out their weapon
"It just had to be her... Huh?!" I said as I beheaded a guy and kicked his head to someone else making him crash to the wall
"I won't forgive!" I said as I was walking towards the last one, she was crawling back while looking at me in fear
"You shouldn't have done that..." I said as I raised my weapon and swung it down, cutting her in half
"Good thing you're asleep" I said as I slash the cage open and picked up Glynda on my arms then I dash back to Ozpin's room, I didn't bother to rinse off the blood since very little was spilled on me
"Welcome home" I said as I crouched down a bit and opened Ozpin's door and gently placed her down the chair, Ozpin looks at me a smile
"I'm gonna rinse off the blood, please bring her back to her room" I said to him, he nodded then I left to wash off in my house
"Seeing her like that... It's painful, I don't want to her so hurt" I thought as I was bathing
"I don't want to lose her... I... Really do love her... Huh?" I thought as I wipe off the water with my towel then put on my clothes
"But... She probably won't see me as nothing more than a monster who never takes things seriously" I thought as I left the room and went back to the Academy since my class was about to start
"Hey, Kids! Sorry I'm late! Things happened!" I shouted as I walk into the room then to my desk
"It's okay Professor (Y/N)! All os forgiven!" Cardin shouted enthusiastically, I chuckled at this
"As you all know, the Vytal festival is coming up and frankly, Atlas officers were requested to teach you, so I won't be handling you kids for a while" I said as they looked at me rather sad
"Don't worry, you're stronger than what they will expect. Trust me" I reassured them as they cheered up, the classroom once again turned into a forest and they got ready to fight
"Let's see how far you've grown with these few days" I said to them as I let a bit of my aura flow, they weren't fazed by it and continued yo concetrate at me
"You've gotten used to this heaviness, good. Let's step it up" I said as let half of my aura flow out, they started breathing heavily but maintained they ground
"Let's start, come at me!" I said to them as they all charged at me
"Keeping your feet on the ground, Jaune?" I asked him as he just nodded, I grinned as I took a step back before Ruby's scythe hits me, I leaned my head to the right before Phyrra's spear could pierce my head
"Aiming to kill, eh?" I thought as I used my hand to redirect Weiss' attemp to stab and connected it with Nora's hammer before it hits me
"Keep trying, kids" I said to them as I kicked Yang's weapon up, making it clash with Cardin's mace before it hits me, I kicked Cardin away and knees Yang's stomach, she only took a step back
"Come on now, let me take out my weapon" I said to them as I stepped sideways to avoid Blake's gambol shroud, it connected with Nora's hammer, I tugged it towards Blake, making Nora fly towards Blake, knocking them out
"Where's Jaune?" I asked as I saw him faceplanted to the ground, I sighed and flicked Weiss' forehead, making her back away, dizzy
"Well, let's keep it short for today" I said as I punched Ren, he passed out
"Did he even attack me?" I thought as I kick Phyrra in the stomach, making her fly towards Cardin and friends
"Nice try" I said as I bashed Ruby's head against Yang but just enough for them to pass out
"You did well, kids" I said to them but they were passed out, the classroom returned to it's original state then I placed them back on their seats
"I wonder what Cinder's next move will be" I thought as I left the room, I saw Glynda waiting in outside of the room
"Gly-" I tried to say but she cut me off
"Listen. I don't know what you think but I don't like you..." She said, but her voice seems off so something must be wrong, I decided to go with it
"I- I see... It's okay, I... Never expected you to like me anyways..." I said to her, all that talking had led to even act like this, but I feel something very heavy in my chest like my heart's being crushed

Glynda's POV
"Good to know you understand" I said, but I feel my heart getting destroyed with every word I say
"Why am I feeling like this?" I thought as I walked away, and noticed something warm fall down my cheek, I wiped it off
"W- why am I... Crying...?" I thought as I fell to my knees, I looked back and saw that (Y/N) was gone
"(Y- Y/N)... Sorry... I'm sorry..." I kept on apologizing but I knew that nobody would hear me, not even him

First Person POV
"She can't bring herself to like me... Huh?" I thought as I fall on my bed and noticed that my pillow felt warm
"W- wha" I said as I touch my cheeks and noticed that it had tears, I was crying
"I knew from the start that she wouldn't like me... But... It doesn't ease the pain a bit..." I said as I let my tears just run down my cheeks
"This is the first time I cried..." I thought as I just closed my eyes and slept to ease the pain

A/N: Those feels are real

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