Finally done (Lemon)

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A/N: As it said

First Person POV
"Looks like Cinder's finally given up on her dreams, taking out Emerald was the same as blowing down her house of cards" I thought as I looked at Cinder who was gritting her teeth while walking away
"Graduations quite far off but this should make things pipe down a lot" I thought as I walked in Glynda's dorm and waited for a long time
"I'm kinda regretting not searching for her now" I said as a shadow covered me, I looked up to see Glynda pissed off
"Oh! Wifey! What's wrong?" I said to her, she was still glaring daggers at me
"The girls were looking for you! They wanted to brag about their win! But they couldn't find you so they bombarded it all on me!!" She shouted, I laughed
"What's so funny?!" She said, I wiped off a tear from my eye and placed my hand on her head
"You need to calm down" I said as I look at her in the eyes
"YOU calm down!" She shouted as she entered her room and I followed her
"Who told you to come in?!" She exaggerated
"I did" I said to her as I closed the door
"You need to liven up a bit" I said as I walked up to her
"What are you ta-" She said but I cut her off by kissing her, she slowly melted into the kiss and wrapped her arms around my neck to deepen the kiss, we broke it soon after
"You don't hold back, do you! Idiot..." She said as she blushed while looking away
"But you like me for it" I teased her, she she chuckled a bit before looking at me
"I guess you are my idiot" She said be she neared herself to my face, we kissed, this time she licked my bottom lip, I opened my mouth and we fought for dominance, I won and explored her mouth but we separated once more for air
"Geez, I still don't get why I fell for you" She said as I carried her on my arm and lay her down her bed
"I don't know either, I just woke up one day and realized that I love you" I said to her as we cuddled up, she giggled a bit
"You're a lot cuter if you weren't so uptight" I said to her as she blushed once more
"I have to... The kids won't learn unless I become strict..." She said, I pressed my forehead against hers and closed my eyes for a bit
"But still... You can lighten up if you want. If you're around me" I said as I felt her arms wrap around me
"I guess I'll do just that" She said as she closed her eyes while I opened mine, I smiled a bit
"(F/N), will you do it with me?" She asked, I was shocked a bit
"By 'do it', you mean?" I said to her, she looked at me rather sadly
"If it makes you happy, then okay" I said as I kissed her forehead, she smiled and got on top of me
"Is it okay if I take the top?" She asked, I chuckled a bit
"Do whatever makes you happy" I said to her as she lightly kissed me before she got up and we took off our clothes, I couldn't resist looking at her
"How beautiful..." I unknowingly mumbled, she pushed me down the bed
"Shut it..." She cutely murmured as she looks at my hardened member
"How is it this big?!" She exaggerated as took hold of it and roughly moved her hand up and down
"Probably because of you" I said as she blushed and continued
"Shut up!" She demanded as she took it whole and bobbed her head up and down while licking the tip
"W- whoa! Glynda!" I said but she picked up the pace, she then took it out her mouth and took ahold of my member then started stroking it roughly again
"How is it?" She asked quite worried, I ended up releasing a lot
"That would probably answer it" I said as she looks at my seed closely before licking it off her hand
"It's bitter... But I can't stop..." She said as she licked all of it down before she got on top of me and pushed her womanhood down on my face
"I'm completely on the low" I thought as I licked her womanhood, she moaned a bit
"Tastes weird" I thought as I sucked on her clit a bit, making her moan harder
"You're so rough" She moaned as I slid a finger in while sucking lightly on her clit before licking it
"You're one to talk" I said as she squirted all over my face, she then placed her womanhood on top of my member
"(F/N), hold my hands. I'm scared" She begged me, I held her hands as she slowly slid my member in her entrance
"You don't have to force yourself" I said as she stopped
"It's fine... This is what I wanted..." She said before she plunged my whole member inside, she shouted a bit in pain
"It hurts..." She weakly said, as her hand gripped me tighter
"Take it at your own pace" I said as she nodded, she started moving when she got used to it
"I- it's starting to feel weird" She said as she was moaning
"It feels good now" She said as she let go of my hand and embrace my neck while picking up the pace
"Glynda, I'm about to" I said to her as she was going faster
"M- me too... Let's do it together" She said as we both came, we gasped for air as she snuggled closer to me
"I love you, (F/N)" She said as she embraced me
"I love you too, Glynda" I said as we fell asleep

"Do you, (F/N) (L/N). Take Glynda Goodwitch as you Wife and promise to be true to her in good times and bad, in sickness and in health, and live her and honor her in your days of life?" Ozpin asked me, I smiled
"I do" I said as I looked at Glynda
"And do you, Glynda Goodwitch. Take (F/N) (L/N) to be your lawfully wedded husband to have and hold from this day inward, for better or for worst, for richer or for poorer, until death do you part" Ozpin said as he looked at Glynda, she looked back at him and smiled
"I do" She answered then looked at me
"Then (F/N), you may kiss the bride" Ozpin said as we kissed each other deeply, everyone applauded, Team RWBY, JNPR, even CRDL
"I love you, Glynda" I said to her with a smile
"I love you too, (F/N)" She said
"My strict lover" I said
"My lovable idiot" She said we lightly pressed our foreheads together

A/N: Kinda rushed, sorry but the last chap. Gonna make a Blake one soon

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