Showcase of power

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A/N: Part 5

First Person POV
"Well, don't keep me waiting girls, even a gentleman has a limit to his patience" I said as I let the same amount of aura I usually did in class
"S- so heavy..." Weiss said, I laughed at this
"What is this?!" Yang exclaimed
"You'll need to live with this, so that you can act the same as usual" I explained to them as I walked up to Ruby, she already using her weapon as a support to stand
"Already on your toes, Cookie girl?" I asked her, she just nodded and was shivering lightly
"Usually I'll wait for you to adjust, but you asked for a training so" I said as I kicked Ruby to the tree making her fall down and walked up to Weiss
"You better get used to this atmosphere fast" I said as I flicked Weiss' temple, giving her a light concussion, making her pass out
"Because I'm not even near a 1/8 of my power" I said as I ran up to Yang and punched her face
"And I prefer that you at least make me take out my weapon" I said as I walked up to Blake, she was sweating and shaking, I pointed my finger at her stomach
"Bang" I said as I released a bit of energy, forming a bullet and sent her flying away, I looked at all of them and they passed out, I sighed at this
"It seems that this will be a rather rowdy school year" I said as I picked them all up and went to their dorm and placed them on their beds
"Good thing I'm a nice guy, else I'd be leaving them there" I thought as I left their dorm and Glynda was at the front door
"You can come in now, Madame" I greeted her but she was angry enough to see her nerve
"What were you doing to the girls?!" She interrogated me again, I smirked at this
"We had some fun time together" I said with a smile, as she punched my face
"Ow..." I said to her, I hugged her tight
"Why are you so mean~" I teased her as she was trying to make me let go
"Let! Go!!" She argued, I let go and skipped away fast enough that she doesn't catch up to me
"Toodles love!!" I shouted to her before completely dashing away in glee to the forest of where I always rest
"Ahhhh... Good old resting place" I said as I lied down against the tree and closed my eyes then drifted off to sleep

"Time to wake up!!" I heard a voice say as I felt a kick in my face
"Ow" I grouched a bit, before opening my eyes and looked around, I was in a room sitting on a chair with my hands and feet being held to the chairs handles amd feet, and I feel a collar on my neck, and in the room with me is a black girl with green hair and a guy with silver hair
"So... How's it going lovebirds?" I asked them, it seems like these 'binds' are pretty weak
"Lovebirds?! As if I'd be in love with a guy like Mercury" The girl exaggerated while Mercury just looked at her, I snickered at this and he seemed to be a bit pissed so he kicked me on the stomach
"Aw come on, Emerald. Why not?" He asked with a grin but she just rolled her eyes
"Two kicks now, if you continue this you end up regretting it later" I said to him while looking at him straight in the eye, he kicked me in my jaw bht I wasn't fazed by it, I looked at the girl
"So, where's my weapon? I kinda miss it's company now" I asked her, she must shrugged as someone entered the room with my weapon
"Ahh, Roman Torchwick. How unsurprising" I said to him, he just laughed at it and the two people just leaned at the wall
"Nice to meet you (F/N)" He greeted meand put his hands forward for a handshake, as if to mock me in this binding chair
"Likewise" I said as I effortlessly stood up walked shaked his hand, he nervously sweated a bit and I broke the shake
"Really though, I must thank you for giving me the location of your hideout and even appearing in front of me" I said to him as I just yanked away the collar, breaking it and taking my weapon from his hands
"U- uh" He was trying to form words
"And even doung so much as to take care of my weapon, if I lose this I'd have to go back to the more deadlier one" I said as I walked up to the silver haired guy and looked him in the eye, he was prepared to fight and so was the girl and Roman

Third Person POV
"Three kicks, that's how much you owe me" (Y/N) said to Mercury as he kicked him in the stomach, making him crash through the wall, breaking it and revealing a lot of White Fang members as Mercury stood up again, hurt at (Y/N)'s kick
"Two kicks left" (Y/N) said as he charged at Mercury and kicked him from the jaw sending him flying up, as (Y/N) jumped and kicked him in the face making Mercury crash against one of the crates of dust as Roman and Emerald got down to fight him
"So... Who wants to give me some entertainment?" He asked them but they flinched and took a step back
"I haven't even took my out weapon" (Y/N) taunted as he charged at one of the White Fang and punched him to where Roman and Emerald were as he motioned his hand to signal them to come and attack
"Well... Get him!" Roman said, annoyed that all of this is happening as all of the White Fang inside the warehouse charged at (Y/N)
"How boring and simplistic" (Y/N) belittled them as he took out his katana and activated it's jet to charged and stab at the White Fang and used it propel him sideways to cut more of them
"Come on now, this isn't even a funny joke" (Y/N) said as he gripped the hilt tightly as he activated his jet and sliced sideways making a burst of energy lash out and cut every White Fang member but Roman and Emerald were gone along with Mercury

First Person POV
"Just when I was going to capture them too" I thought as I went out and jetted back to Beacon
"Better rush back to Ozpin, he should still be awake" I thought as I entered his room without knocking
"Still not knocking I see" He sarcastically said to me
"I'm not obliged to do it, I found a White Fang base and exterminated it but Roman, Emerald and Mercury escaped. It seems that they've really gathered a lot of dust" I explained to him as he looked iut the window
"I see... Thank you for the information (F/N), we'll see to this tomorrow" He said as I nodded and left to go to my dorm and rest

A/N: Done at last

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