My Caribbean Mate.#1

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"MARCUS Stoppp!!!". A young girl shrieked and giggled, her long brown hair flying behind her. She ran into the kitchen yelling, "Mama, Mama, Tell Marcus to Stop!" She threw herself at her surprised mother, who caught her in mid-air, just as her older brother reached for the grinning kid.


I ran behind dumplings, my baby sister, or my pet name for her, [not her real name]. Neveah Bloodstone is the youngest member of her family. My Father, Mark, My Mother, Narla, and I, Marcus, the Future Pack King.

"Got ya!" I yelled and reached out for her. My mother lifted Nevaeh onto the kitchen table as she continued to scream.

"MARCUS LEAVE THE BABY ALONE". She shrieked, "I'm cooking, and your sister is going to dump everything on the floor!"

My mother, giggling, attempted to control the wriggling infant in her arms. Nevaeh wailed and scaled her mother's shoulders.

She screamed and slapped my hand away as I continued to tickle my little dumplings after stopping in front of her with a broad grin and a huge wet kiss on her cheek.

I left her alone and reached for the chicken my mother had prepared for dinner.

Queen Luna Narla Bloodstone, while being the ruler of an entire kingdom with hundreds of servants, cooks dinner for her family if there are no pack-related issues causing concern.

Mom turns to me with a serious expression on her beautiful face and says, "Marc, your father is in his office, he has to speak with you about something significant, and I want you to listen to everything he has to say, the time has come for this conversation."

I regarded her and pondered, "Dad wanted to speak with me, but he saw me yesterday and said nothing. I wonder why she seems anxious."

My mother is of mixed race, with an Asian father and a Caucasian mother. She is lovely, with black hair cut in a bob with bangs, almond-shaped green eyes, a height of 5 feet 6 inches, and a weight of approximately 165 pounds, despite being 44 years old. I finished my chicken and washed my hands before telling my mother, "Okay, I'll visit my father now."

Maya's #Pov.

Maya Blackwater sprinted as quickly as her powerful legs could take her; running uphill was difficult for most, but not for her; she is 6'4 and 180 pounds of pure muscle, dashing over rocks and little streams, running like the wind; the few humans she knows calls her Amazon Woman.

Maya didn't care; she enjoyed the fact that she was the strongest female Alpha that existed today, and she will continue to train until the rest of eternity; she loved nothing more than feeling the wind against her skin, her body moving in like a machine.

When she reached the top, she climbed the largest tree she could find, threw herself on a branch, and sat down, taking in the breathtaking view of the mountains and valleys from her Caribbean home. She could see the river flowing into the sea and palm trees everywhere; how could she leave her home? Maya breathed deeply.

I can't believe I have to leave my Island, she said as she brushed her thick long curly black hair away from her face. Maya was not the kind to sulk, but the latest news from her only remaining family, Aunt Titi, was upsetting. She wonders if she'll make it through this one because leaving her home was something she'd never expected to do in her entire life.

Maya rubbed her temples, the headache she had developed since hearing the news threatening to take over her entire thoughts, replaying the argument between her and Aunt Titi like a broken record.

"But, Aunty, why do I have to leave? I posed the question, but deep down within I was going to fight back, I've been taking care of myself for 5 years now, and I'm fine, I don't need a Mate, most wolves find their mate at 16 or a bit older, I'll be 21 in 3 months "Why do I even need a mate at this point?

Maya Look at her Aunt pleadingly. Maya adored Aunt Titi and would never willfully disrespect her, but what Titi was saying was difficult for her to swallow.

"Oh, Suga. "MAYA," she murmured, caressing my thick hair," The Time has come my love, you are Maya Blackwater, The Chosen one!" I was twice her size, but I crawled closer to her side and rested my head on her lap like I always do. My child, you were born for this, and you are here because the Moon Goddess has big plans for your life ". Surprised, I asked, the moon goddess?

"As you know, only one Alpha Female is born at a time, but as it happened, your mother and father were both Powerful Alphas, your birth was so Special dear, aunt Titi hugged me to her breast," she said, "being born from an Alpha female, that's why your mother died in childbirth."

"Your father had to leave all he knew and hide you far away; he gave up everything to protect and ensure your safety until you reached the age of majority, which is why you're with me halfway around the world in the Caribbean."

Titi clutched her niece tightly, rocking her back and forth like she was still a baby. She knew it was a critical situation for Maya, they were already behind schedule, and the survival of the entire Werewolf Nation hinged on her.

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