My Caribbean Mate#32.

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"I want ten men at the border and another five wolves at the entrance to the cave, beta Jonell".

"Nicco you and Kyle take the front with me and the rest of the pack hunters".

Marcus organizes his team to storm the cave.

They had been following Tyler for two weeks without stopping.

Tyler's antics had been nearly impossible to keep up with; he kept disappearing from areas where the Kings' trackers had locked on to his scent.

Tyler had help from an old Sharman wolf, who used ancient magic to hide his entire pack of Rouges, but thank the goddess, the Royals had their own magic.

Grisham was Marcus's Father's best tracker and witch doctor; if it hadn't been for him, using a slew of herbs, spices, and oils to locate Tyler's scent, they would have been searching in vain.

"Get ready for my signal," Marcus grunts. The dense foliage obscured his pack's location.

"NOW!" he yelled, rushing forward and shifting in the process.

Alpha Marcus, great wolf paw, pounds the dirt angrily, bending his head and dragging a snout over the spot, attempting to pick up Tyler or pinky scent.

Do you pick up anything, Beta Jonell, Delta Nicco? I don't, he mind-linked.

The Royal wolves sniffed and growled ferociously, their canines dripping with saliva.

Kyle howled from the far end of the field, "Over here, King Alpha".

The pack dashed into the forest of massive trees. They came to a halt on the other side of a small river. A pack of dirty brown and black wolves stood nearby. They snarled and clenched their teeth at the Royals.

Tyler's gang of about 30 rogues faced King Alpha. Marcus let out a huge roar and dashed through the trees, his team trailing behind him. Marcus snarled and bit down viciously at the exposed neck of the first Rouge in his sight, his jet black wolf, massive in comparison to the one he tackled, ending the Rouge's life in an instant.

The Royals finished the pack of Rouges in less than 20 minutes, with growling and grunting, whimpers and yelps, fur and blood.

Alpha Marcus limped over to where beta Jonell and the others were stacking the Rouges' dead bodies, sighed, and shifted back silently. He despised having to kill; he found that dealing with situations like this left his own father exhausted when he returned to the palace.

He recognized a couple of the dead Rouges from the north and west kingdoms, sadly he thought, these boys were still pups, but he growled angrily, Tyler would pay for this with his life.

The king and his team searched the surrounding area for more Rouges but found none, and Tyler and Pinky were still missing.

"Over here, my King. Look what we discovered in the bushes! ". A 14-year-old boy was dragged forward, blubbering and pleading for mercy.

Marcus looked at the puppy and growled, making the boy cower in front of his glowing eyes.

"What happened to Tyler and Pinky?

"Tell me now, and I shall spear your life".

The boy began to tremble, his eyes filled with terror.

"Speak now," Alpha Marcus yelled, making the boy cowering in fear.

" I ii am sorry my king, I was left here to give you a message".

The King's eyes narrowed and he growled again, "What message?" ".

The youngster reached into his pocket.

Taking a folded piece of paper, he handed it to the alpha.

Marcus snatched the note from the boy and opened it to read what it said.

I'm sure you've killed my werewolf pack by now.

However, some must be sacrificed for the benefit of others. Hahaha, tisk tisk.

P.S. Don't worry, my king; I'll look after my new family. Sign Prince TYLER.

"Can you tell me where Tyler is? The King growled, dangerously close to the trembling puppy. "What does this mean"? Marcus Wolf was nervous and panicked.

(New Family? What did that even mean? He didn't like that part of the note; in fact, it drove his wolf insane. Marcus took a deep breath, trying to clear his mind; something was wrong, and both he and his wolf sensed it.

It was easy to communicate with his wife the first week after he left the Castle because he had found time, from constantly tracking Tyler around the four kingdoms, to mindlink her every night, which required a great deal of concentration so far away.

Werewolves, especially Royalty, did not require technology to communicate with their pack.

He still had a phone in case of an emergency.

Three days ago, the king and his pack were in uncharted territory, mostly forestry, and he couldn't call Maya because there was no signal.

Marcus missed his pregnant wife, and his wolf whined in the back of his mind every day; they were desperate to find Tyler and return him to his family; werewolves were pregnant for three months.

"My my Kkingg," the boy stammered, still terrified. "I ii overheard the Prince say something about going to the BLOODSTONE Castle".

WHAT THE HECK! Marcus grunts.

"Bring him", he said to his pack, "get things ready to move out within the hour, we must get back to the palace as soon as possible".

The king's heart was filled with terror.

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