My Caribbean Mate#37.

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Delta Nicco and beta Joenell exchanged glances. They had never seen their Alpha like this before; Marcus was a just and fair leader, but at this point in his life, all of that had gone out the window; his monster had escaped, and there was no stopping him until Maya was found.


Marcus stamped his foot impatiently; his wolf was impatient for blood.

The king set his sights on the trembling pack of werewolves in front of him as he strolled into the dark, stinky dungeon.

Most of the prisoners gasped in fear as Beta Jonell dragged a chair noisily behind him.

King Marcus sat, his red penetrating eyes staring, next to an open cell door, daring the captives to speak.

Akida suddenly pushed forward from the crowd.

"My King, thank the moon Goddess you're here, I don't know what's going on here, but this is wrong, how dear your royal guards busted into my Father's Castle and rounded up everyone, shoving them into such a gruesome place," she said in anger.

She kept going and going. Her beautiful long blonde hair was flipped behind her back, and the short, skin-tight dress she was wearing wasn't appropriate for a filthy smelly dungeon.

"My King Alpha," she cooed, batting her eyes and approaching the bars. "Am sure this is a misunderstanding".


Marcus leaned forward in his chair, his face in close proximity to Akida's.

"Shut the FUK up, you speak when I say you speak, and the only question I have for you is".

He leaned back again, scrunching his nose.

"Where has your cowardly father gone? "SHOW YOUR SELF COWARD! YOU MAKE YOUR DAUGHTER FIGHT YOUR BATTLES?" He yelled.

Akida gasped and drew back as if she'd been slapped. She trembled at Marcus's tone and anger.

Shaking her body, she tried once more.

Sliding her fingers through the bars, she smiled at the malicious, vicious expression on his face.

She said seductively while batting her beautiful eyes.

"Mm my lord, I can answer any questions you have, and I can make you feel so good if you just give me a chance." Her long manicured nails dragged down his arms.

Marcus barely moved from his spot, taking his other hand and gently rubbing it over hers, Akida moaned, a sexy smirk at the corner of her apple-red painted lips.'

"Yes, my King Alpha, let me assist you, you're so sexy, I want you.

Ooh, Ouch! In horrific pain, she screamed.

Marcus grabbed one of her fingers, bent it back, and popped it out of the socket.

He leaned in again and flung her backward. She screamed and screamed in agony.


"I'M GOING TO START RIPPING YOU ALL TO PLACES," he said with chilling calm.

"I Promise, I will fuckin kill you very slowly". His canines were dripping with saliva as he grinned wide.

A trembling older man approached Akida and drew her sobbing into his arms.

He choked out, his voice barely above a whisper.

"I am here my King Alpha, please let my daughter and pack go".

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