My Caribbean Mate#17.

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She was curled against Marcus almost like a toddler and snored softly as they lay in bed together.

He felt so thrilled he wanted to do a backflip.

Maya was now the Royal Pack's Luna, and he kissed the bite mark, which had turned a smooth pale brown tone.

It healed into a tiny Crescent moon form.

She sighed and moaned, her plump slightly swollen lips still puffy from their lovemaking.

Luna, my Luna.

Marcus thought proudly as he carefully smoothed back some loose curls that had fallen over her long eyelashes, causing her eyelids to quiver in her sleep.

Now that she has my mark, she is able to interact with me and the rest of the pack via mindlink.

"Thank you, Moon Goddess," he said, smiling.

He was astounded by Maya; he had never encountered a woman like her before.

It wasn't only that the woman exuded beauty and authority.

She was very humbled by everything and everyone.

She treats the entire pack with the same consideration and understanding.

His father informed him that she had requested assistance for Pinky.

Marcus shook his head.

Queen Perfection And Luna.

Looking at the Rolex on his wrist, one of several gifts he received for his 21st birthday, the time was 515am.

Marcus moved away from Maya's now-warm body (she was burning up a few hours earlier).

He didn't want to wake her awake, so he planned to surprise her with breakfast in bed, which he would prepare himself.

His wolf started growling dangerously low as he left Maya's warmth.

He begged his wolf for patience while explaining the breakfast predicament.

Finally, he made it down to the Kitchen after assuring his wolf that he would return to their mate as soon as possible.

Maya stretched and rolled over in the king-sized bed, her eyes closed, but a sensual little smile played on the corner of her lips.

Gradually waking up, her hands slid around the bed, searching for her Mate. Marcus's fragrance was all about her, yet there was no Marcus.

Her eyes popped open.

"What is the"... She snarled, sat up, and rubbed her eyes.

He just left the bed without saying anything to me.

"Dammit, those disappearing acts he likes to perform are going to have to stop," she grumbled.

Maya slid out from under the plush sheets, scooping up Marcus' clothing from the night before.

Sniffing it, smelling his masculine delicious old spice fragrance. She sighs and blushes profusely as she recalls their coupling.

As a prickling sensation spread up her neck, she instinctively reached for the bite.

Lightning sparks lit her body on fire, but it didn't ache like the scorching anguish she felt when she was hot.

This delightful burning came from the touch and caresses of her sexy Mate, if she could find him, she huffed.

The shirt barely covered Maya's lengthy legs as she slid it on.

She stepped out the door on tiptoe as the sun rose.

She came to a halt at the main staircase; this place was enormous; where should she look first? She had no idea what she was going to do except find her Mate and bring him back to bed.

She was surprised to hear giggling.

She hesitated and looked around, then heard the baby laugh again and say, "Booboo face, you have to add the berries to the batter as mama does." She laughed again. Maya was taken aback by what she heard, but she quickly understood.

The baby was in the Kitchen with Marcus.

Her Mates' voice was audible in her brain as he spoke to his dumplings.

"Hurry up, dumpling, you don't want your sister gonna wake up and discover that her breakfast isn't ready. She'll be up soon, so let's hurry, go fetch the roses," he said as he ruffled her curly hair.

"Okey booboo face," she smiled...

The infant bolted.

Maya grinned, the Mate bond, she understood that if she concentrated hard enough, she could hear others in the pack.

"Marcus," she tried it.

He chuckled, which she overheard.

"My Love," his strong male voice drowned out everything else in her mind.

"What the f", Maya's legs buckled.

She clutched for the golden rails to help her balance.

She gasped, not realizing the Mate bond could permeate a wolf's entire essence.

"Don't you dear," he said within her thoughts, "the baby will be upset if she can't serve her new Luna breakfast in bed."

"I sense you close my Love, back to bed with you, we'll be up in a minute."

He sent her some of his thoughts and images from the night before.

She gasped out loud and raced back to her room, her legs still trembling beneath her.

In her head, she heard his historical chuckle.

Her cheeks flushed, she ran into her bathroom, threw off her shirt, stepped into the shower, and turned on the water to full blast. Washing fast, she leaped out, grabbed a robe, and wrapped herself in it.

She was about to return to her bed when she heard a light knock and a small voice saying,

"My Luna, My Luna, May we please come in?"

Maya laughed at the baby's lisp when she talked.

"Come in dumplings," Maya giggled as she swung open the door.

Marcus entered the room, a big silly grin on his face, with a large golden tray.

The infant trailed behind, holding her own tiny tray.

"Sissy!" she yelled.

Then she came to a halt and pouted as if she had just remembered something.

Maya noticed her small face curled into a troubled scowl.

"What's wrong, baby girl?"

Maya inquired.

"I'm sorry, Luna, but Mama said you are now Luna, and I must be respectfulue"

She pouted once again and turned to face her brother. "What is the word?" she asked quietly.

"Respectfully, the word is Respectful dumplings," he said with a smile.

Maya gave the infant a wink and patted the spot next to her.

"I'm your Sissy dear, call me whatever you want, okay?"

The infant gave Marcus another glance.

Yes, he said, shaking his head.

The baby giggled and squealed.

Marcus chuckled and laid his tray down before bending down and kissing his mate's lovely lips.

Maya laughed just as much as the baby.

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