My Caribbean Mate#25.

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Her brown eyes widened in surprise, and her accent came forward.

She took a deep breath in.

"Look at folks wayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy!!

As soon as she said it, her hand shot to her mouth.

The room fell silent.

Everyone gradually became aware of the Luna on top of the staircase.

"Oouu!! and ahhhhss!! were heard around the room.

Marcus stepped forward slowly, never taking his gaze away from his love.

"OH MOON GODDESS, you have bestowed onto me my very own royal beauty queen."

Her Mate had already reached the top of the steps and was holding her hand before she could even move.

They stared at one other with undivided attention, entirely oblivious to the mob below them.

"My Love, you are the most magnificent Caribbean woman, I am pleased to declare you my Luna, I will devote my life to your happiness and well-being, I accept you Maya Blackwater as my Mate, My Luna, My Wife, and My Future Queen.

He dropped down to one knee, and Maya didn't say anything as she stared deep into his glittering green eyes.

"I ask you in front of our pack, our family, and the Royal lineages, Maya Blackwater.

Will you marry me?

Maya inhaled another deep breath into her lungs.

"Marcus Bloodstone, I, Maya Blackwater, accept you as my Mate, Alpha, Husband, and King.

"Yes, my King, I will marry you," I proclaim my undying love for you and this family.

Marcus rose up, tears streaming over both of their faces and placed an enormous ruby on her finger before slowly gripping her petite waist and drawing her closer.

Maya was unable to think. He kissed her deeply, his tongue gliding against her juicy plump lips, and she felt immensely happy. She moaned and reached out to grab his shoulders, her body asking for mercy from the Mate bond and his caresses.

Again, both were lost in their passion for each other, oblivious to the audience watching the display.

Cheers and applause followed.

The PACK exploded in whistles and catcalls.

Marcus and Maya, both grinning broadly, pulled apart and waved to the crowd.

They walked down hand in hand, and the family was the first to hug them.

"At long last, my love, congratulations to both of you."

Aunt Titi wrapped her arms around Maya and Marcus.

"Sniff sniff... My Son, I love you, look after your queen."

They both received firm hugs from Narla. The infant giggled as she offered her new sister a black rose.

The elderly king followed tears streaming down his magnificent strong face as he clutched both of them to his chest.

"No parent could be as proud as I am today, "my daughter, he cooed, turning Maya to face him, "I know you have no concept of what you have done for the entire werewolf society, but you will comprehend your worth in time."

"It's almost done," he said as he hugged her.

"But we are only engaged, not married," Maya said in the old king's ear, "how can it be almost finished?"

Marcus's father chuckled and placed her hand in the palm of her Mate.

He bowed his head and returned her whisper.

"You sealed the deal by accepting your mate in front of the Royals; he has mated and left his imprint on you; you now wear the BLOODSTONE FAMILY ring."

Marriage is largely a human practice, with all the paperwork and all, but in our reality, you and Marcus are bound MATES, and therefore married.

Maya was amazed and shocked. She didn't have time to say anything further before mobs of people rushed over to congratulate and hug them.

Lany and the guys hauled her away just as someone shouted MUSIC!

The band began with a lovely haunting melody.

Maya was introduced to the rest of the Royals, and the evening flew by with lots of congratulations and handshakes.

Waiters and waitresses moved through the Castle serving champagne and finger appetizers, and everyone was having a good time.

Maya laughed and danced; she'd met so many people that she wondered whether she'd ever recalled everyone's names.

This one blonde hair man watched her from the center of the room, She had felt his eyes on her all evening, she understood people wanted to know who the chosen was, they were inquisitive, but the way he narrowed his eyes at her caused her she-wolf to snarl on edge.

Shaking off the sensation and shoving her she-wolf aside, she looked around for Marcus.

Her gaze met his from across the room, and he gave her a worrisome expression.

He shook the couple's hands and walked over to Maya after saying something to them.

"Come on, Darling," he whispered as he took her hand in his and led her out into a fairly free place.

He sat and drew his wife onto his lap.

He had a small grimace on his face as he gazed at her.

"What bothers you, my love?" I felt your she-wolf, and she didn't seem happy; tell me what has tarnished this lovely occasion, and I'll restore it right away."

Woooooow! said Maya to her lovely husband. She reasoned, "I have a husband."

"Marcus," she whispered, leaning in and fiddling with the collar of his matching shirt.

"It's nothing really, I'm not sure why my she-wolf was so tense, this guy kept staring at me, he never talked or said anything, he just stood there and observed me.

"He growled, "What guy?" She could feel his muscles stiffen.

"I don't know, he's blonde with a low haircut, around beta joe's height, I noticed him all evening just staring," she shrugged, "I figured maybe he was just too shy to say hello, there are so many people here."

The dinner bell rang just then.

Marcus rose up, his wife in his arms, and relaxed.

Maya twisted her body and giggled.

"Oh, no, mister, you're not carrying me to supper like this, I'm walking." She laughed some more till he helped her to her feet.

Marcus headed back to where supper was being served with Maya, his thoughts on what she had said, what man did she speak of, I must find out, no one must make my mate uncomfortable.

He mind-links his Beta and Delta.

"I won't stand for it, Jonell, NICCO, blonde man stalking your Luna throughout this castle and making her she-wolf uneasy, find him.

They immediately replied, "Yes, Alpha."

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