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Loki and I carried Annaliese to Zoey and Isabelle's house and laid her down on her bed. She kept on changing her form from a twelve year old to a three year old. She kept on changing her form and appearances. I stood on the side of her bed clenching my fists making my nails go into my skin. Loki looked at me and put his hands on my shoulders and grabbed my fists and unclenched them and turned me to look at him.

"She'll be alright, Fae. I'm sure of it." Loki says and I sigh.

"I don't know, Loki. She's never done that before. It's like what happened to Balder after the play." I tell Loki and he smiles.

"After you tried to help us get the slipper and saved me from a wine bottle hitting my head? Now that was an amazing play." Loki comments and I smile.

"There's that smile my puppy has always had! I missed that smile. There's just too much stress for you and too much going on that you get involved in. Just smile and everyone will be happy! You keep us happy, Fae. You're the one that we count on to smile all the time." Loki says and I look into his grey snake eyes and kiss him.

"You always say nice stuff to me since we started dating. It's starting to get a little annoying. Say something insulting to me." I joke and Loki rolls his eyes.

"There's an attitude going on in your head! Don't make me haul you over my shoulder!" I tease and shake my finger at him and try not to laugh.

"I wish I could, but I've already said enough that I can't insult you with!" Loki comments and spins me.

"Come on! There has to be something! Like when we were best friends with benefits!" I say and Loki chuckles and sighs.

"Fine. *sigh* Sometimes your breath smells like fish and I would be able to taste it on my lips when you kiss me." Loki says and I cover my mouth.

"Are you serious?! I'm allergic to seafood! I can't eat fish!" I exclaim and I walk over to the sink and wash out my mouth and walk back over to Loki who is dying of laughter.

"You told me to insult you! And I never knew you were allergic to seafood." Loki comments and I give him a glare.

"That's why I eat so much meat. I used to eat a lot of fish and seafood when I was younger to get protein, because I HATED meat for some odd reason. Then one day I got a fish sandwich at school one day for lunch and after I took one bite of it I threw up. I would always order a fish sandwich when they would have it and I would never get sick. I was sent home early that day and couldn't stop blowing chunks EVERYWHERE. My dad made fish on the grill one time when I was just getting better and I took one bite I started throwing up all over the place. Then after I was done throwing up I got real swollen and they had to take me to the hospital. They did testing on me and I was starting to become allergic to seafood." I explain and Loki widens his eyes.

"Wow! How long have you been allergic?" Loki asks me.

"About nine or ten years." I answer and Loki's eyes widened even more.

"Man, I've heard someone so allergic to anything before. That'" Loki comments and I nod my head.

"Oh no! Carmen's worse." I tell him and he looks at me strangely.

"How?" He asks.

"She's allergic to wheat and nuts. With wheat she just gets sick and misses a couple days of school. She just has to take pills for that. With nuts, she HIGHLY allergic. If she even barely BARELY takes a bite of a nut, she'll blow up like a balloon. They had to find out the hard way. She was at school and she got one of the cookies there that has walnuts in it, she ate it and was fine, then in class she started wheezing then she lost feeling in her whole body, then she started to swell up and I had to scream at the teacher to have me take Carmen down to the nurse and that got me detention for that day. The teacher had Kaylee and I take Carmen to the nurse and she passed out while there and I had to turn into a wolf and Kaylee grabbed Carmen and jumped on my back while I ran to the hospital. You have no idea how many times I've had to do that. I was shot at by guns and chased by police officers and animal control to get Carmen there. I even got shot with that stuff that makes animals pass out so that animal control can get them. I got shot at with those about thirteen times and I was shot at twenty-seven times everywhere on my body expect my head. Carmen, Kaylee, and I were hurt SO bad during that process. I almost got killed by human beings and almost had to attack animal control. Carmen was on the edge of death. And Kaylee had to waste her Jury of Nine grenades and also get shot at and only got shot in the arm once. It was definitely the 'most fun' that I had getting in trouble with the police and animal control." I explain and Loki nods his head.

"Are you and the police and animal control cool now?" Loki asks.

"" I answer and I snicker.

"Why?" Loki asks and he sits down.

"After that I was fined and I paid them. But, there were  so many times where Carmen's medicine didn't work and that would happen. We just wouldn't go to the nurse's office and we would go straight to the hospital. We got famous for being able to withstand animal control and the police. We would get interviewed and we got letters from the police to knock it off and we would never respond. Then they had to visit our houses and have a private conversation with us to knock it off and we would refuse. I then told them 'If you don't leave my house right now, I will either A call your captain and tell YOU guys to knock it off or B I'll handle you myself.' They didn't feel threatened and my eyes flashed red and they scrambled out of there. now every time that Carmen would have to go to the hospital, we wouldn't have a problem. We would just give glares at each other and look away." I explain and Loki nods his head.

"It's been a while since we've had a conversation like this. I like it." Loki comments and I smile and walk over to him and sit on his lap.

"I do too. Now that we'll be getting married and rooming with the other, maybe not Zahra and Dionysus anymore, we'll be able to have more conversations like this from now on." I say and look at him. Our noses were touching and we were both smiling. I was glad to call him my fiancé.

 I was glad to call him my fiancé

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Kamigami No Asobi: Phoenix Drop TroubleWhere stories live. Discover now