Wedding Part 1: Brothers

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Carmen, Kaylee, Victoria, Tavisha, Zahra, and I left the boys and Yui and went to Laurance and Lauren's house to ask about the wedding. We walk in and I see Laurance trying on his tuxedo. I motion the girls to go on upstairs and I walk over to Laurance.

"You look nice." I compliment and he faces towards me.

"Thanks. Are you okay?" Laurance asks me and I wipe a tear from my eye. He walks over to me and hugs me.

"Yeah. It's just, my big brother is getting married this weekend. I'm nervous about what would happen when you're gone and with Lauren." I say and Laurance kisses my forehead.

"You'll be fine. You're moving in with your best friends and boyfriend. Loki cares about you a whole bunch and he wants to protect you. We just don't have a flower girl anymore." Laurance says and I smile at him.

"I can see if Beatrice can do it. She's been many weddings. She was the flower girl for Nekoette and Rollo's wedding." I say and Laurance nods his head.

"Yeah. I'm excited to hear you sing at the wedding. From what I hear you're really good." Laurance comments and I scoff.

"Apparently. Who's your best man? I need to know who I'm dancing with." I say and DJ walks over.

"I am, Fairy!" DJ says excitedly and puts his arm on Laurance's shoulder.

"Okay. So my other older brother is going down the aisle with me and dancing with me? That's not the first time!" I joke and they both laugh.

"Yeah. When was there a wedding when you two danced together?" Laurance asks DJ.

"At Nekoette and Rollo's wedding. I was his junior best man and Fae was a junior bridesmaid." DJ reminds us.

"Oh yeah!! I had to dance with Lauren." Laurance says and Carmen stands at the top of the stairs.

"Fae, you need to try on your dress. Let's go! You guys can visit later." Carmen says and I hug my brothers and run up the stairs. I walk in and see Lauren trying on her wedding dress.

"Oh my Irene, Lauren! You look like a goddess!!" I compliment and she turns towards me and smiles.

"Thanks, Fae. I'm nervous about marrying your brother." She says and I walk next to her.

"God dammit!! Why do you have to be so tall?!" Lauren asks in anger and I laugh.

"Hey! You're 5'9. That's pretty tall." I say and Lauren scoffs.

"Laurance is 6'7. And DJ is 6'5. Now those are tall! You and your whole family is tall!" Lauren comments and I laugh.

"My aunt Gracelin isn't." I comment and Victoria laughs.

"Nya~! You're right Fae~Senpai! Aunt Gracelin isn't very tall at all! Nya~!" Victoria agrees and looks at what shoes to wear on Saturday.

"How tall is she?" Lauren asks and I laugh.

"She's five foot. Exactly!" I say and we all laugh.

"Wow! That's pretty funny!" Lauren says and I walk over to the closet and grab the same dress everyone was wearing.

"Wow, Fae

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"Wow, Fae. You look amazing!" Kaylee complimented.

"Thanks!" I thank and play around with my hair of what to do with it on Saturday.

"Loki isn't going to watch the wedding and more like you!" Tavisha comments and I laugh.

"I'm not sure how he's going to react to me and DJ dancing together." I say and they all widen their eyes.

"You and DJ are dancing together?!" Carmen asks.

"Yeah! Every wedding him and I are in, we always dance together!" I comment and Zahra snickers.

"DJ is your brother. He shouldn't really care about you two dancing together. Do you know when our families will arrive?" Lauren asks.

"I think tomorrow. I'm not sure exactly yet." I answer and I turn towards the mirror and look at my bad eye. I lean closer to the mirror and see a scar either on my eyelid or in my eye.

"Who here has good vision?" I ask and turn towards the others.

"Nya~! Zahra has very good vision! Nya~!" Zahra says and she walks over to me and stands in front of my eye.

"Nya~! Fae~Senpai can you please sit down? Zahra can't see your eye. Nya~!" Zahra asks and I sit down on a chest in the room and she looks at my eye.

"Nya~! Fae~Senpai has a scratch on her eye. Is it from the war with Annaliese or something like that? Nya~!" Zahra asks and I look in the mirror again.

"Probably from the prank earlier from Takeru." I answer and Yui walks up to the dressing room.

"You guys look amazing!" Yui compliments us and we smile.

"Thanks, Yui! What are you here for?" Tavisha asks.

"Oh yeah! There are people here for you guys. They said that they're family." Yui says and I swallow the water in my mouth, hard. I knew that my parents were here and I didn't know what to do. I sat down and put my head in my hands.

"Fae~Senpai? Will she be okay?" Zahra asks me and I take a deep breath and began to tear up.

"I don't know. I haven't talked to them since we left MyStreet. I'm literally scared to death." I said and Carmen walks up behind me and puts her hands on my shoulders.

"Don't worry. They'll understand about Annaliese being your daughter and her dying part, but your dad will take a little bit longer on the descendant part. They'll understand." Carmen says and I stand up and get changed back to my old clothes.

"I'll go get my brothers and Loki." I say and walk downstairs and see Laurance and DJ already out the door and see Loki outside next to the door. I walk up to him and he kisses me.

"Ready to watch your dad murder me?" Loki jokes and I smile at him.

"I'm just nervous of what they'll say about the whole descendant part. They don't even know that I'm a Divine Warrior." I say and Loki's eyes widen.

"I thought you said they knew!" Loki whispers loudly.

"I had to lie or everyone will tell them. Come on. There will be tears, Loki. Be prepared." I say and Loki grabs my hand and I look up at him.

"We'll do this together. We're engaged now right? We do everything together." Loki says and he puts his hand on my cheek. I smile and put my hand on top of his. He pulls his hand down from my cheek and to his side. We walk together and I see my parents at the docks. Smiling and happy to see their son getting married. They won't be smiling or happy anymore about Annaliese.

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