You Have An Affair //Harry\\

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You had never thought in a million year you'd be sleeping with the boyfriend of Kendall Jenner. You always wondered how did It happen but never had the answer. Harry had knew you from a past lifetime but you couldn't remember who the hell he was, that is until you dreamed up your child hood. "Leave him alone" you shout to the boys who was bullying a boy, he looked like Harry but nerdy and his name was Marcel. "T-thank you" the shy boy stuttered. "Uhm do you want to be my partner, for the project due in Mrs. Mahemia class." you asked him smiling, you thought he was kind of cute. "Y-yeah" he said. "Great I'll follow you home after school so we can plan what we will do" you smiled walking off.

After school you guys met at his place, you were a bit shocked to see how his room was decorated. It was band posters everywhere. "Woah" you breathe out as you walked into his room. He dropped his bag on the floor. "M-make yourself comfortable" he stuttered looking at you. That was the first time you ever paid close attention to his eyes, and they made you shiver. You nodded and sat down in the chair next to his bed. "Not there" he chuckled softly taking off his glasses. You sat on the bed humming lowly. You watched him reveal his true self. He messed up his gel filled hair and started to take off his pants. He was wearing basketball shorts underneath, Yo had no idea what the hell was going on. "Marce-" you started. "It's Harry" he laughed a bit. "Harry Marcel Edward Styles" he said. "I thought Harry was your twin or something.." you said lookin up at him. "No, where would you get- nevermind. Looks like me turning into a nerd caught your attention. What's wrong not into good guys?" he asked lifting up his shirt. You seen that tattoos that were usually covered with long sleeved shirts. You were still processing everything when you felt his lips attach to yours. That day was the day he took your virginity.


5 years later

You were now 23 and you were curled up in silk sheets that didn't belong to you. You looked on the dresser and seen a picture of the very famous Kendall Jenner with a green eyed boy. Every time you met up with Mr. S you never seen his face nor body, you guys always did it in the dark, or he was always covering his face. But this morning you woke up before the mysterious man, and he was still snoring next to you. You were looking up at the ceiling so you turned your body to his. You gasped as you look at the boy you have loved since senior year. You thought about what he called himself. Mr. S which meant Mr. Styles. "Harry" you murmured. He instantly woke up with wide eyes. "Y/n" he breathed out, "look I can explain." he said putting his hand on your cheek. You didn't need any explanation, you smashed your lips against his. "I love you, I always have. When you moved I lost contact with you because of your parents." he breathed out. "Do you know the location of our daughter." he asked with wide eyes. "With my aunt" you started to explain how your parents made you act as if your daughter was hers, until you heard a door open downstairs. "Harry I'm home, my sisters are here as well. We are shooting for the show." your eyes went wide as you gasped a bit.

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