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you were breathing heavenly, it was really hard. you were going to give birth to your baby girl. you were waiting for this moment to come, but it really did hurt like hell.

"Louis! Can't you drive any faster!? this shit is killing me!" you cry out in pain.

"we're almost there!" he said.

he drove faster, and soon, you two were at the hospital. he quickly took you out and carried you inside. "I need a doctor! she having her baby!" Louis shouted.

a nurse and Doctor came rushing with a bed. Louis latest her down and they started pushing her into the emergency room. Louis stayed by your side throughout the whole time.


time passed and your baby girl was finally born. but right after she came out, you felt tired. you couldn't seem to keep your eyes open anymore.

"Louis.... I... feel.... tired." you managed to say out.

"doc, you might wanna see this." a nurse said as the doctor came back to check up on her.

"what's wrong?" Louis asked.

"Mr. Tomlinson, your girlfriend seemed to have lost a lot of blood and is on the verge of death. we are trying everything we can to stop the bleeding, but we are not so sure if she will make it." the doctor said as he kept grabbing tools and doing something behind the blanket.

"what!? no! she has to live! I can't let my daughter raise up without a mom! please doctor! please save her!" Louis said, tears running down his eyes after he received the bad news.

"we are trying." the doctor said back to him.

"Louis... it's... obvious that... that I won't... make it."

"don't talk like that." Louis was by your side again, holding your hand.

"Louis, I feel tried... and weak. my heart... my heartbeat is... is slowing down. I... I can feel myself... being taking away by... by the light. I'm... sorry that I won't be here... to watch our.... our daughter grow. but please, babe... take good care.... good care of her. I... I love you... and our daughter." you say with tears rolling down your eyes.

Louis kissed your forehead and held your hand. "I love you too... and I promise to take very good care of her." Louis said, sadness clear in his voice.

"it's time." you said as you feel your heartbeat disappearing. "I love you Louis, I love our daughter, don't forget me." you say.

Louis kissed your forehead one last time. before you knew it, a bright light took over your eyesight and you were gone from the world.

Louis was now left alone with his only spark of light, your daughter, and his best friends, Niall, Liam, and Harry.


this is suckish I know. this is my first sad imagine and I'll try to do better next time. thanks for bearing with me.

love you my penguins ~ Michelle

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