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you had a late night shift at the cafe today. you didn't get him until 11. you knew Niall was going to be in bed sleeping, wait for your presence just so he can cuddle with you. but tonight... tonight didn't feel right.

you placed your things down on the couch and you heard some noises coming form the room. the room that you and Niall shared.

you checked to see if his keys were in the key holder, but they weren't, so you thought he wasn't home. you got a knife from the kitchen and walked quietly towards your room. you took a deep breathe... and then you opened the door.

you had teary eyes and you walked away. "babe!" you hear Niall calling at you.

"babe! please! stop! listen to me!" he tried grabbing you, but you sliced a deep cut on his arm.

"don't fucking touch me!" you shout at him.

"(y/n).... please listen. I'm sorry okay. I never meant to do that! I never meant to hurt you!" he cried.

"lies... all you're saying are lies!" you yell with tears on the verge of escaping.

"I'm not lying!" Niall cried back.

"yes... yes you are! cause if you never meant to hurt me... then you wouldn't be in bed with... with that pinche puta!" (translation: fucking bitch) (also, you are half Mexican is this cause you know, gotta express my culture😜)

"babe! please! please forgive me!" he shouts.

"no! also, I don't even know why the fuck you are crying!? you did this to me! you fucking decided to sleep with that little slut! you made that choice! you decided to put your fucking dick inside a bitch who already had lots more dick! and to make this worse... you slept with my slut of cousin who I know for sure is a fucking slut!" you shout back at him.

"I... I never meant for this to happen! you know I would never do this to you!" he cries ever harder.

"if you never meant for this to happen you wouldn't have put your dick inside her!" you pushed him aside and went inside your room.

you wanted to kill your cousin, but you didn't want to be the cause of her death. so you grabbed a suit case and started putting all the shit you needed. you finished in less than 20 minutes and Niall hasn't even came in to stop you. he was just outside crying.

you put your bag down and walked over to where your cousin was crying. "(y/n)... I'm so sorry! I'm so sorry I had to do this to you. I'm drunk, I didn't know what I was doing."

"no... you knew what you were doing. and I won't ever forgive you for what you did. you knew I loved him and you decided to take that away from me... just like you do to all the other boyfriends I ever had. I know that you may think that I'm gonna forgive for this... but not this time. this time it's gonna be different. I hope you rot in hell you dumb bitch!" you slapped her hard across the face and got the knife and cute her arm deep.

you got your suit case and went out the door. Niall was still crying on the floor. when you passed him, he grabbed your leg and begged you to stay. you just shrugged him off and walked out of the apartment.

Niall was the right man for you. you knew it in your gut... but looks like you were wrong once again. Niall was just another fuck boy ready to break your heart. he wasn't worth it, but you couldn't stop crying. he gave you everything your 3 other boyfriends didn't give you... love, attention, food (of course), happiness, and support. but you were never going to have that feeling anymore. cause you were done with all the bullshit.

"goodbye romance life. im done with love and life." you were standing on top of a bridge, you looked down and saw how high you were.

you didn't even think twice, you just jumped right off. no more pain, no more crying, just peaceful.


3 years later

"I know that your parents think it's all my fault this happened. they were right. I know that you will never forgive me for what I did to you. but just know that.. I love you matter what. I'm sorry that I caused you so much pain for you to do this, but... oh god... I just can't stop thinking about. I can't stop loving you. I... I miss you, (y/n). and... I hope that one day... you forgive me for what I did. cause ever since I lost you, I haven't dated at all, I never found love again. all because I love you. I'm sorry, (y/n). I'm sorry for all of this." Niall cried at your grave. your spirit was of course there, watching him cry and feel sorry.

I might make a part two for this but I'm sure yet. if I do, you know bc of the title. love you bye! gnight!

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