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"Greg, you need to stop smoking! For the love of god stop!" I say to him.

"Why should I listen to you? You're just my sister-in-law, not even close as to being my mother." Greg lifted the cigarette to his mouth.

I had a shocked look on my face and Greg looked at me, "Why so shocked on my choice of words?"

"It's not that I have a problem with you saying that I am just your sister-in-law, but what bothers me is that you treat me as a nobody. Just to be clear, I am your brothers wife and as your sister-in-law, I am also supposed to be looking after family, which includes you." I now had a mad look. "You said it yourself, you love Niall to death, then stop smoking. You know why Niall is mad at you right now. You need to stop doing this," I took the cigar out of his hand and threw it at the ground and stepped on it. "and prove to Niall that you will change."

"Do that next time and you won't be Niall's wife for as long as you think you might be!" Greg had me by the throat.

He let go and walked inside and slammed the door. "Something is not right with Greg. He would never harm me."

2 hours later

"You know what, Greg. Fuck you! I don't need you anymore! You and I are no longer brothers from this day forward!" Niall yelled at him for coming home drunk.

Here's the back story, after Greg almost holding me against my will, he left after him and Denise fought. Niall came to the house to pick me up but I didn't want to leave Denise alone, so Niall and I decided to wait for Greg to come home. Of course he came back drunk... at 4 in the morning! Niall and Denise both got mad at him and so then Denise packed up and took Theo with her and she went to her parents house Niall stayed a little more and fought with him more, then we left.

"I can't believe, Greg. He was never like this as a child... why would he suddenly go over to the bad side?" Niall was furious at him, and it was my job to calm him.

"I don't know... but we can talk about this in the morning." I put my hand on top of his and he calmed a bit, but that wasn't enough to save our lives.

We crashed.

"Where are they? What room is Niall and (Y/N) Horan?" Greg asked.

"Room 232 floor 34." Greg left and by the time he made it, he saw them in the bed. Badly bruised and connected to tubes all over their bodies.

"This... this is all my fault." Greg teared up.

"G-Greg?" Niall managed to say.

"Niall... brother... I am so... so sorry. This... this is all my fault." Greg started to cry.

"What... what is happening?" I managed to speak out.

"(Y/n), you're in here because of me... and let me just tell you that... I'm sorry. I'm sorry for almost killing you... I'm sorry for all that I've done to you. Please, please forgive me." Greg chocked out.

"I... I forgive you Greg." Greg started hearing my heart beat slowing.

"Don't leave... please don't leave." Greg pleaded.

"I'm sorry, but I don't have to strength. But, Greg... promise me one thing."


"Take care of my daughter." Was all I could say before slowly going to sleep.

"Brother, please promise." Niall chocked out.

"I promise... and... I promise to change. I promise to be a good father and uncle to both our children. I will never let you down." Greg cried.

"Good... I love you brother. See you on the other side." Then Niall had at last taken his last breath.

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