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"Daddy, Daddy! I made a goal! I made a goal!" Our son, Mason, yelled to my husband, Louis Tomlinson.

"Yay!" Louis yelled out as he picked up Mason and starting running around the backyard.

"Louis! Louis! Louis over here!" Great, the paparazzi have shown up... again. "Come on boys, time to shower!" I scream for them.

They come in and leave dirty behind them as they make their way upstairs to shower. I was just about to follow them up, when Louis called out, "I'll shower him!"

"Okay, looks like I'll be cleaning this mess up." I went into the closet and got a broom and mop.

I was half way done when I heard a knock on the door. Weird... nobody can get through the fence without either the password or with the button from the kitchen.

I wasn't sure if I should go open the door since I can clearly hear my two little kids having fun with the bubble bath I presume.

Fuck it, can't keep them waiting... whoever it is at the door.

I walk over to the door and I open it, only to come in counter with... a girl. "Hello, may I help you?"

"Hi, (y/n), my name is Stella." She said with a smile.

"Hello, Stella."

"You don't know me but I know you. And I don't like you." Stella said.

"I'm sorry, but what did I ever do to you?"

"You married Louis, that's what makes me hate you." Stella was now mad but I didn't care.

"Look Stella, I can tell a lot about you just by being here and telling me all this shit, and I for sure can tell that you love One Direction and that Louis Tomlinson is your favorite and that basically you are a hater towards me, but just so you know, there is nothing you can do to make Louis leave me. He is dearly in love with me and I am dearly in love with him too. But please don't do this, Stella. I know that you are a nice girl inside. And if you were a true fan, you would want Louis to be happy, no?" I told her.

"I want Louis to be happy, but just not with you." She pulled out a knife but I bolted before she can't hurt me.

"Louis!" I shout. I run around the house and I try to make it to the second staircase, but I didn't make it fast enough.

"Well, well well. Look what we have here. A shit talker too afraid to fight." Stella smirked.

"Why are you doing this!? Why are you trying to kill me!?" I shout out.

"Because you don't deserve Louis! Louis deserves someone he will love better than you! And that person has to be me! It's going to be me!" I couldn't react fast enough, so she stabbed me in the gut.

I fell to the ground she left the knife stuck in my stomach. "Good ridden."

"You... you know he... won't love you." I choked out.

"Aww, don't be so sure about that. You are gone and now I can step in to take your place."

"Not... not after he.... finds out you.... you killed me." I choked out before I took my last breath.

"Fuck." Stella said out.

She ran towards the front door, but Louis saw her. "Who are you?" Louis asked.

"None of your concern. If I were you, I would go find your wife." Stella smirked before she left.

"Guards! Guards get her!" Louis shouted out the door.

He ran around the house and when he made it to the second staircase, he saw (y/n), on the floor dead.

"(Y/n)?" Louis started to tear up, "babe... why... why did it have to be you." Louis cried out.

"Daddy? Why is mommy covered in this red stuff and sleeping with it?" Mason said coming towards Louis.

"Mason... mommy is dead." Louis choked out.

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