Liam Payne

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Everyday you prayed. You never stopped. It was the only thing that was giving you hope.

"Amen." You say as you open your eyes and slowly start to stand up.

You look at the time and realize that it's time to go see him again. To go see your dying boyfriend.


You walk into his room and you see him staring up at the ceiling. "Hey, babe." You smile.

He looks at you and gives you a small smile. "H-Hey."

You walk up to his bed and sit down next to him. You grab his hand and start to stroke it slowly.

"Are the guys coming today?" You ask him.

"Babe, I will have.... a.... lot of visitors..... today." Liam said, taking in deep breaths.

"What do you mean?"

"The doctor... came in earlier... he... announced that.... I won't be.... able got make.... it any.... longer."

"What? No... Liam... you... but... no.." you couldn't find any words the describe your pain. All you could now was cry.


A lot of people came to visit Liam that day. His entire family flew here just to spend his last few moments together. Niall, Harry, Louis.... and even Zayn came. None of us expected Zayn to come, but he did. But we were glad he did, because we knew him like the back of our heads, he wouldn't be able to live with himself if he didn't come.

Liam broke down crying when he saw Zayn next to him, the rest of the lads did as well, so did I. I was really the only person that was more closer to Zayn than anyone.

The doctor came in and saw how much people were cramped in this one room. "Well, I just came to see how much time he has left." He said with a low voice.

The doctor checked Liam and then turned to us all. "He only has 40 minutes left of life. I'm sorry."

All of us in the room broke down crying. Zayn tried to calm me down, but not even his tricks worked. The one man that I loved will be dead in less than 10 minutes.... and I couldn't do anything to stop it.


Everyone each had time to say their final words to Liam. The lads and I were last.

"Liam... I'm sorry I wasn't there for you when this happened. But just know, that I love you. You will always be my brother." Zayn cried.

He shook his head and walked away. I could hear him sobbing so hard as he tried to control himself.

"Liam, pal. We were supposed to bring the band back... all of us were supposed to come back..." Louis cried.

"But now... we lost another member from our family. Our perfect family..." Niall then said.

"But we know that... none of this was your fault. Shit like this happen for a reason... and we have to accept that..." Harry lastly said.

"Liam, babe.... just know that... when we do move on... we will still think of you. We will never forget you. You will be the reason why we keep going... why we have a reason to work hard... and... I have... one last surprise for you."

"What... is that... babe?" Liam said.

"I'm pregnant..." you choked out a sad giggle.

"Really?" Liam gave me a small smile.

"Yes..." I choke on my word and I cover up my mouth to keep myself from choking on any other words.

"Babe... come here." I walked up to Liam and he put his hand on my belly.

"Hey there little.... fella. I'm your father... I know that.... I won't be able.... to be there for.... the rest of your.... life but.... just know that... your uncles will... take good care of you..... your mommy is the best.... in the business.... she will love.... and care for.... you." Liam started to tear up. He was caressing my belly he was happy that we have a new addition to the family, but he was sad that he wouldn't be there.

"Excuse me." I turn my head along with the rest of the lads.

"Liam only has 2 minutes left." The doctor said. "Do you wish to stay or leave?"

"We won't leave Liam here alone. We will be with him till his last breath." Niall responded.

The doctor nodded and walk over to the bed.

"Liam... I promise to take good care of the baby. I will talk to him about you." I take out my phone and hand it to the doctor.

"Please... take one last picture of us." He quickly nodded and we all surrounded Liam.

He all gave a sad smile for the picture... but that was it.

"Goodbye..." we all said to Liam as we saw that he trying to keep his eyes open.

"We all love you..." we choked out the words.

"I.. love you guys... too...." and that was the last words of Liam James Payne.


y/n went into deep depression, she couldn't think of life anymore. Just that fact that she lost her entire life. But that soon ended when she thought about the baby. She couldn't let the baby suffer. So she went back to being her normal self, or at least tried to.

Niall, Harry, Louis, and Zayn put the band back together. Even though Zayn left and has this new image, he wanted to come back and do it for Liam. The lads even had asked y/n to join the band since they knew that you had a beautiful voice. She accepted and they started making appearances all over the world. The fans were so happy to know that the band came back and did Zayn. They even accepted y/n as the new member. It was perfect since she was Liam's girlfriend after all. And life went on as they continue to travel the world. Y/n had a baby girl who is now taking classes online since y/n is always traveling with the boys.

Liam was always watching them from above. There would be time when he would come down and stand by them. He would cry at the sight of his daughter. She looked exactly like him. He would always see how fans would cry for him every day. Everyone missed him. Fans started praying every night for him. Posters went up and people in London, they would always stop by his grave to leave him some flowers and even talk to him for a little.

Even though he knew that he was gone.... he couldn't ask for a better life.

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