Zayn Malik

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Happy New Year everyone! Sorry I haven't been posting in a while... family problems. But I'm back now and here is my very first Zayn Malik sad Imagine.

z; I will be home soon! don't worry.

y/n; I'm not worried it's just that I haven't seen you in so long and I've been impatience recently since you told me you were finally coming home

z; so have I but just know that I am not far from- SHIT!

y/n; zayn?


y/n; zayn!?


y/n; zayn answer me! 

z; I'm sorry but you have lost connection with this person. please call back again.

"Darling? what's wrong? we can hear you shouting, ZAYN all the way in the living room." my mother asked me.

I don't even bother to answer her, I run out of house to look for Zayn. "y/n!" dad calls out for me, but I don't stop running, I keep running.

I kept running until I reach the busy streets. I look to my right and I see a bunch of traffic, but when I turn to the left... I see ambulances and the firemen and cop cars surrounding something...

"No..." I run over to them and right when I get there, I shove past people and when I get to the front, I see the cops stopping people from going into the scene. I look over him and that's when I see him.

Zayn being pulled out of the flipped over car and lot's of blood dripped down his face. My first reaction was to start crying and covering my face. But then I tried to go past the cops but they tried to hold me back and everyone was now looking at me... but I didn't give two shits.

"Let me go! Let me through!" I shouted at them.

"Ma'am, this is a crime scene. You can't go through!" one cop said to me.

"Yes I can! That's.... my.... boyfriend!" I say in between breathes until I finally break through and run over to Zayn.

I push the paramedics away and I look at Zayn's beautiful face. "Zayn..." I say quietly.

"Zayn? Zayn... babe please... please don't leave me. Zayn!" I shout out and hug him tightly, fearing the cops will pull me away from him.

But then I heard people starting to talk and keep saying, "Oh my god, that's Zayn Malik, the ex-band member from One Direction."

I rock back and forth and I just cry while stroking his cheek. His pale, ruff cheek. "Miss, we need to take him to the hospital straight away." One of the paramedics said to me.

I nod my head and they put him in the stretcher and take him to the ambulance. "May I come in?" I ask.

Nathan, the paramedic, nodded and I got in and straight away grabbed Zayn's hand. "Please don't leave me, Zayn. Please don't leave me alone. You already know how hard it is for me to be away from you, it's will be harder if you're gone from my life." I lift his hand up to my face and i start to kiss us and rub it on my cheek.

We arrive at the Hospital and they take him in for surgery. "Please, please, god. Don't take him away from me." I pleaded and sat down in one of the chairs.

Soon, his whole family came and so did mine, they asked me a bunch of questions, but I couldn't answer them all. They all quite down in matter of minutes and we just all say there, waiting and dried tears stained on our cheeks.

"Who is here for... Zayn Malik?" One doctor said out of nowhere.

We all stood up and he was quite shocked of the amount of people here just to see is he was okay. "All?" He questioned.

"Yes." I said.

"Okay... well. Zayn, we took him in and we started straight away, but we didn't have enough of his blood type to stop the bleeding and by the time we got more of his blood type, it was too late.... I'm sorry."

That was all I needed to come crashing down.

The love of my life, my best friend... my everything... was gone.

"Is he okay!? Where is he!?" I knew those voices.

I picked myself up and when I turned around, Niall, Harry, Louis, and Liam were all here.

"What are you guys doing here?" I whipped away my tears.

"We heard the news. It was blowing up on all our phones. How is he? Is he okay?" Harry said quickly.

"Well, you guys are too late... he passed during surgery."

Hey guys! So yup, this is my comeback post. I was originally going to post it yesterday... but my dumbass forgot that it was HIS birthday so I decided not to. But anything, this part was just the beginning. I'm gonna post the second part later bc I have some ideas for it. I'll give you all a heads up before I post it.

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