Chapter 32

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Specially Dedicated to the two girls without whom, this story wouldn't have been Possible. This one's for you Nandini and Ghazna! ❤


Finally, They were all under one roof. "I want My Answers." Manik ordered.

"Yes Harshad, Enough of this hide and seek now. This time, you have taken this too far and trust me when I say this, You have crossed all your limits." Said Mukti, looking into Harshad's eye. 

"What do you mean? What Answers?" Asked Harshad, Hesitatingly.

"Oh stop it now!," Began Cabir "You think we are crazy? I saw you talking to the doctor! I know that you bribed the doctor. I know that you and Nyonika were together in this. I know that Doctor Singhanya was giving you all the information regarding Nandini."

Manik was stunned to hear this and so was everyone else. 
"You knew this? So why the hell didn't you tell me?" Asked Manik. His tone was strict and He was obviously very angry. 

"I wanted to tell you Manik but I just couldn't. Nandini was unconscious and you were already so worried. I didn't wanted to make things worse for you." 

"Exactly Manik," Said Mukti "You were not in the right state of Mind. So much was going on in your life and We didn't wanted to Stress you more."

Anger is a small word. At that point of time, I felt like Killing Harshad. How could he?  Manik went upto him and held his collar, "You Jerk." He said in a low voice. His voice was however, laced with anger and His eyes were blood red. "I always Knew that You can do anything to harm me and to destroy me but this? You wanted to Kill her? You wanted to take away My Happiness? My life? I Just can't believe this! You have stooped down to such a level. God!" He said, pushing him away. 

"Look Manik..Listen to Me.." Said Harshad.

"Listen to what? That how you and my Mother tried their best to Kill Nandini?" Manik was literally screaming. He could bear anything, listen to anything but when it comes to Nandini, He Just loses it.

"So Now I get it," Began Dhruv "Music Gala mein, tumney pehle Nandini ko Gayab kara because you knew that If Nandini won't be there, Manik wont perform and then you entered as a Wild Card."

"And then You bribed Nandini's doctor to get all the information." Said Mukti. 

All this while, one person was quiet and that was Alya. She just couldn't believe that her brother could stoop so low. "That Day when Mr Mathur called us all to the Auditorium, Someone locked Nandini in the Hospital. Was that you, Bhai?" She finally questioned.

Harshad's eye widened hearing this. He was lying on the floor. "Yes." He finally Said. That was enough for Manik. He went further and kicked him hard and shouted, "Why, Dammit!"

"Because I wanted to Win! I wanted to destroy you. I wanted you to lose and I was so Sure, So damn sure that Nandini won't reach on time but I don't know how she got out of that room. I have no idea who the hell got her out from there." Shouted Harshad.

"I got her out." Said Aryaman. That surely came as a shocker! Just when things started to make sense, Aryaman spoke and messed up everything. 

"What do you mean?" Asked Mukti. 

"Fine. It's High time now!" Aryaman began, taking a deep breath. "Hello Everyone, I'm Aryan. Nandini's Childhood Best Friend." He said looking at us.

We were all stunned to hear this. "What the hell? What are you saying? Stop making up fake Stories." Said Cabir.

"The Truth. Shall I start from the beginning?" He asked.

Can't Let You Go ~ A MaNan FF. [COMPLETED - UN-EDITED.]जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें