Chapter 2: Meet the squad/ Sehuns girlfriend

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(A/N I put Willie Taylor-Soakin' wet yo-zu remix because that's what I'm listening to)

Luhans POV

It was the next day and that meant I had to go to school and face Oh Sehun. I was so embarrassed last night that I ended up blocking Sehuns number before he could respond.

Applaud yourself, Luhan. Pussy of the century

I clutched my sketchbook to my chest as I made my way through the hallway most definitely with my head down. "Yah! Lu Han!" A familiar voice called out, thank Jisoos it was only Kyungsoo. I quickly spun around on my heel and walked to where Kyungsoo was sitting, against a locker with the usual squad.

Do Kyungsoo, the slightly savage owl. I say owl because of how big his eyes were but they were really cute.

Byun Baekhyun, the schools diva and the guy who slays everyone with his eyeliner. He was the most popular amongst us, he was also obviously gay.

Next you had Zhang Yixing aka Lay, Lay was uh— well I guess you could just say Lay was a stoner. Which wasn't false, he really loved to smoke weed. He fell asleep a lot in class and doesn't know what's going half the time

To Lay's left was Huang Zitao, Tao was scared easily and it was funny as fuck. Tao was in dramatic arts here at the school in hope of becoming a actor someday. Tao has a somewhat intimidating look but he's actually really girly. He's had a crush on this jock named Kris Wu for the longest. Don't mess with his Gucci-

Then you had Kim Jongdae aka Chen. Chen was more the geek of our squad, he wore spectacles, read more than anything. Yet he was still lit as fuck— he even writes smut. He's a straight A student and we call him Asian Harry Potter.

Lastly you had me, Yeah Luhan, hold this L. (Ricegum reference) I was your average gay high schooler that spent my time drawing my crush Oh Sehun. I could never bring myself to talk to the guy which upset me.

I heard the all too familiar voice that was music to me get closer. My ears perked up and so did my head—my cranium not my dick, you pervert. I sighed, remembering the last and painful thing as I covered my self up with my hoodie to watch him walk by. Pathetic, Luhan.

I sighed, watching the football player pass by me. He was with three people, two on his team and the other was one I forgot about. His girlfriend. Irene was his girlfriend and that comes into play for this bullshit. She's such a bitch, why does he date her? She's cheated on him with most of the basketball team.

I knew who the other two were by the way Tao and Lay were staring-  Suho and Kris. Suho actually talked to us sometimes unlike the other jocks. I dunno though.. Lay could be staring into space because he does that ALOT.

I do know one thing though

I hate Bae Irene

"Yah, Kyungsoo, I fucking embaressed myself last night" I huffed and he blinked, turning to face me and the squad went all ears. Tsk

"Hmm. How so?"

"I sent a text to Sehun that was supposed to go to you. I wasn't paying attention and fuck- I told him 'hey Kyungsoo, I just finished another drawing of him. Haha Sehun would think I'm a creep if he ever found my notebook'

Immediately, everyone bursted into laughter except me. "Oh my god- why can't you just go talk to him? You're such a pussy." Tao intruded

"Why can't you drink bleach? And you're one to talk- you cried in a horror house."



"I WILL CHOKE YOU- Nevermind, you'd probaly enjoy that"


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