Alex <3

School has been buzzing with gossip about Logan's accident. Suddenly, the whole school seemed to care about him. They seemed to idolize him. The four weeks he hasn't been here, he's been the most talked about person.

Nobody knows how he was saved, they probably think it was some random person on the street. I'd like to keep it that way.

Logan hasn't even arrived at school yet, and everyone is setting up for his 'Welcome Back' by putting up streamers and signs and all that extra shi- stuff in the Cafeteria and Auditorium.

Casey has gone batshit crazy about Logan. Not like she wasn't before, but now she's like the Head of the 'Welcome Back Logan' committee.

It's honestly funny to see her fake red hair swishing all over the school, holding streamers and tripping over her heels.

I also remember that's exactly  how she acted for any event, when we were friends. Especially for her own damn birthday party.

She was like birthzilla or something, I never understood.

It's Wednesday, the day Logan is supposed to come back. Of course I was a bit nervous and excited. The sight of his bright green eyes flashed in my mind, and I shook my head.

My curls were extremely wild today, more kinky than usual. I tried to keep them under control by wearing a gray beanie and kept it neutral with a navy blue shirt I bought from Target. I wore comfortable jeans and my old black Chuck Taylors.

All the work that Casey and her committee put into his welcome back had really worked out.

I'll be the one to say that the school looked bright and cheery for his arrival, but I wondered if Logan would really like it

"Why do you care?". I asked myself. I tried justifying that I took part in helping him, but that still didn't erase the question.

Around 12:30, 3 hours before school would end and my lunch period was next, Logan walked into the school.

He looked so healthy physically, but his eyes were a dull forest green. Not their usual bright Jade color.

His skin was a bit lighter, he didn't have his usual Hispanic color anymore either.

He looked spiritually dead. That made me sad.

When I saw him laying there, bleeding from his skull, he looked as if he didn't care.

Logan wanted to be dead.

I usually sit in the music room during lunch. It's the only empty classroom during my lunch period , and since I don't have a guitar at home I can play all by myself.

The whole welcome back flash mob pissed off Logan a bit, and Casey's constant pestering him didn't help the situation either.

It was pretty funny, but the dull look on Logan's face made me worried.

I certainly couldn't do anything, I was just the girl who was never noticed. Nobody knew of my existence, and if anybody did find out I was just another homo sapien in this school, they'd leave me alone. Casey and I made sure of that.

All these thoughts were running through my head as I was drinking a small bottle of Pepsi and resting in the metal chairs, staring at the concrete ceiling.

Suddenly, I heard the door to the music room creak open.

Thinking it was Mrs. Rivera I continued to rest on my chair.

"You shouldn't be in here." I heard a male voice say. It sounded so annoyed, like he was done with shit.

I diverted my eyes from the ceiling and looked in the direction the voice was coming from.

holy cheeseballs

"Oh crap! Sorry." I blushed super hard and looked at my lap. I wasn't going to leave because he's here. That'd be stupid.

You have got to be kidding me. I couldn't believe he would be here, of all places.

"Well aren't you gonna leave or start fidgeting in your bag to give me some useless shit you find?" Logan says, and for a minute I thought he wouldn't be an asshole and maybe join me?

I set my standards too high sometimes.

"No I wouldn't give you anything, I don't owe you jack squat. And I'm comfortable here, you can join me if you want." I smile and take my legs off the seat in front of me. For some reason, talking to him came easy. I couldn't bare to imagine how talking to any other person would be.

Logan sat down and looked at me.

"Would you ride an ostrich for free?"


760 words

Sorry no update in a while. Major writers block.

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