
Today I was going to meet Logan's family. Of course I was nervous, but I had splurged some of my paycheck on finding a decent outfit and basic makeup.

I straightened my mane and lined my eyes with winged liner. I applied clear lipgloss.

Slipping on my black sandals, I overlooked the simple and cheap outfit.

A white laced shirt and blue jeans from Target. Cheap but high quality.

My mom has been gone for the past few days, and I have no idea where to look for her. She always comes back though.

Logan picked me up at 6:30; dinner is at 7:00.

Walking into the gigantic, elegant home, I was greeted by the boy I saw at the hospital. He wouldn't have recognized me much since he really didn't look at me.

"Joey, this is my friend Alexandra." Logan introduced me.

"You can call me Alex," I explained.

"Hey, I'm Joey." he blushed and smiled at me.

Logan went to help the maid ready the table.

"You look familiar..." Joey started but Logan's maid called us to the table.

Of course she recognized me, but who I recognized next made my lungs tense.

Sitting there was Casey West, in an emerald green dress to compliment her strawberry red hair.

My skin felt hot and she gave me a scowl, her arched eyebrows furrowing together.

I introduced myself to Mr. Marx and Mrs. Marx, and she recognized me right away. I blushed and kept my eyes out of her direction as a young looking maid served the meal. They served Lobster Thermidor and garlic bread, a savory combination. To settle the meal, Creme Brûlée was served with a scoop of ice cream.

Light conversation was held around the table, but I stayed silent as I was too shy to add to the conversation about a sale at the Steve Madden store.

How much did this meal cost??

"Logan. I'd like to explain to you why Casey is enjoying dinner with us." his mother said in a sickly sweet tone.

Her demeanor changed and she touched Casey's shoulder as my knees shook under the cherry wood table.

"Remember that girl who helped save you that night? Casey was that girl Logan."

My mouth went dry.


379 words.

it was short but i double updated :) i think his chapter sucked too.

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