
I get up in the morning, unusually giddy.

My heart thumps against my chest as I brush my hair into a frizzy bun. My smile twitches as I pick out a presentable outfit.

If making a friend could make one so happy, why wasn't I doing it earlier?

A sinking feeling fluttered in my chest as I thought of Casey and the terrible things she's done to me before.

I shook my head and continued slipping on a lapis blue sweater and jeans with rips in the knees.

Grabbing my bag and notebook, I bolted to the door.

"ALEXANDRA!!" my mother screeched through the apartment.

Flinching, I turned on my heel. I looked into her bloodshot eyes, and I could smell the alcohol radiating from her body.

"Yes, mom." the name rolled awkwardly off my tongue.

"Where are you going?!"


"Are you getting sassy with me?"

"No, mom." I tried to stay calm.

"You're so disgusting! All you do is leave the house to go whore around. You leech off of me and my money and come back home whining!"

My mom was a raging drunk. After she'd recover from her hangover, she'd guilt trip me into helping her with what she wanted.

Sadly, I got tired of being treated this way. There was nothing I could do until I leave for college.

Which I probably didn't have money for.


"No I don't. I do nothing but work and go to school."


"I didn't say th-"


The stinging pain on my cheek is unbearable.

Tears threaten my ducts as I grab my shit and run out of the house.

As I walk to class, I can still feel the red stinging handprint of my mom on my cheek.

No one will notice anyway. I'm invisible.

Finally lunch came around after long classes and lectures.

I practically ran to the music room in excitement. The music room is the only thing on my mind the whole day and I finally get to go there to see my friend.

My friend.

As I stepped into the music room, I didn't see Logan there.

My heart drops slightly as my anxiety seeps into my thoughts.

I plop into a chair and open my notebook, waiting patiently for a few minutes.

fencesOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant