
I was so shocked.

His smile spread ear to ear, making his green eyes crinkle.

In that moment, Logan looked so young and beautiful that my face muscles couldn't resist to smile back.

"Well, uhm, yeah I guess." I said slowly.

"Why are you even sitting here alone." he asked.

"I don't do well with talking to people. And no one knows who I am."

"Well then I'll be the first one to know you. Who are you?"

"Alex Fuentes. Senior. Musician. Who are you?"

"You don't know who I am?" his eyes squinted and his lips curved down slightly.

"I know you. But I don't know you." I replied.

"Fine. Logan Marx. Senior. Athlete. Villain."

I laughed.

The bell rung, signaling lunch was over. I quickly shoved my notebook into my bag and got up to leave.

Suddenly, Logan handed me a piece of paper and I just shoved it into my pocket.

After work, I went home and read. Mom wasn't home again but it was a regular thing.

There was no way for me to contact her since I didn't have a phone and the only other thing I could use to call was a landline hooked up in the kitchen. After awhile of sitting and reading I remembered my short conversation with Logan.

I remember when he called himself a villain. Was he serious about it? I'd have to ask, if he ever talks to me again.

My jeans pocket! I remembered myself leaving a note he gave me in my jeans pocket. I scrambled over to my desk chair where I left my pants in exchange for comfortable gym shorts.

I pulled out the crumbled piece of paper and read it:

"Here's my number, call me you seem nice :). Also, if you want to meet somewhere tonight I'm usually at the address written with the number."

My eyes widened and I ran to the kitchen without thinking. I could finally make a friend, especially with Logan. Most of all, I could finally have a friend.

I dialed the number, my fingers fumbling a little bit. The offbeat ding of the landline seemed to stretch for hours until I heard his strong voice on the line.


"H-hi it's Alex." I stuttered profusely.

"Oh, hi, Alex from the music room?"

"Yeah that's the one!" I laughed nervously into the phone.

He was silent for a few seconds before he said, "Why are you calling from a landline? I'm not a murderer or anything."

"Uhm, you see young padawan, Alex does not own a phone." Padawan?? Really??

He laughed. "That's going to have to change, but in the meantime I'll talk to you later I'm busy but I'll see you in the music room during lunch. Ok?" his question seemed more like a statement.

"S-sure. Bye Logan."

I closed the phone and put my hands over my eyes. How was I so cocky in person, then nervous over the phone.

I took a hot shower and went to bed, my mind vibrating with embarrassment.


510 words

peep the pic of Jake

smol chapter for my new readers ❤️ i wanted to update for so long but my honors classes have been piling so much on my back and i've had writers block. hopefully this satisfies you for at least a week until i get some more time

❤️ much love from li :)

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