Chapter 7

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Hey guys, so this will be as good as I can manage right now, I'm still kind of struggling with the beginning of this story.




After putting on a pair of semi-clean clothes and making sure I smelled decent, I put on my vans and grabbed my car keys as I stepped out the front door. I made sure I had my phone and wallet, everything I needed before locking the front door. Being the paranoid person I am, I tested the door knob to make sure it was indeed locked. I turned on my heel and headed down the porch steps to my rusty old car.

I climbed into the driver's seat and pulled the warm seat belt buckle over my body. I buckled it in and tightened the straps, a nervous habit I'd picked up when I first started driving, as I turned the key in the ignition. It took a few seconds of sputtering before the car roared to life. I put the gears in reverse as I backed out of the driveway.

I switched to drive and began to take the well memorized route to Frank's place. I was jamming out to some new album that had just been released. I was really digging this song called Floral and Fading or something. I noticed the unique waves of the bass lines and instantly thought of Mikey. He played the bass, rather beautifully, might I say.

That was how he met his boyfriend Ray, he was playing an undercover show at some local bar and Ray was their fill in guitarist. I liked Ray, he had an enormous afro and was really sweet, he treated Mikey well.

I shook out of my thoughts as I pulled up to Frank's place. I got out of my car with a small grunt at the change in height. I shut the door and locked it, listening for the horn 3 or 4 times before I was sure it was locked. I headed up the steps, slightly panting because I was so out of shape. I knocked on Frank's door, anxious that I had done it wrong. Had I done it too hard, too fast?

I shook my head and succeeded in knocking some of the shoulder length locks into my face. My cheeks were bright red as I heard the door unlock. The first thing I noticed was Frank's bleach blonde was now a deep blood red color. I wrapped my arms around the small man in a brief hug before following him into his living room.

The thoughts from earlier were back. What was this about? Would it be the same thing he wanted to tell me earlier?

I sat on the edge of the dark, matte couch Frank had. I scooted back slowly and looked at him with a confused expression. "What did you want to talk about, Frank Fronk?"

I heard him giggle at my stupid nickname before his face became totally serious again. "Okay.. so.. I'm just going to come right out and say it. Don't say anything until I finish." he took a breath. "Gerard, I love you. I'm in love with you. I've known it since 11th grade, I knew it all throughout college and when you were with Lindsey, I finally have the guts to talk to you about it now. I'm so sorry to just spring something this big on you. I know I'm practically just hurtling emotions at you, I'm sorry, I just.. I can't even begin to explain what in the fuck is possessing me to do this or why I can't shut up about it or why I can't stop talking holy hell Gerard shut me up-" Frank began to run out of breath.

I leaned forward and pressed a kiss to his chapped lips, cradling his cheek in the palm of my hand.

"Frank, I love you too.. but there's something you need to know." I paused. "I'm not like other men.."

"I know that, Gee, that's why I love you.." Frank looked up with fearful eyes as he chewed nervously on his lip ring.

"No, Frankie. There's something about me that you don't know. No one but Mikey knows.. and if I tell you, I'm afraid that you won't want me anymore. You'll think I'm a freak!" I whimpered, hot tears building in my eyes and distorting my vision.

"Gee, hey, just tell me. Nothing can drive you away from me now." He stroked the top of my cheek bone, pressing a kiss to my forehead.

"Okay, I.. I'm a little. And basically that means at any given moment I can be sucked to the mentality of a 1, 2, 3, a 6 year old even. I can't control it. It makes me want diapers, and pink. It makes me use baby talk, it makes me want cuddles and kisses and stuffed animals. It makes me want someone to take care of me."

"You think I didn't notice that Gee? I'm your best friend, I noticed. It doesn't bother me at all. I still want to be with you, I still want to be your care giver.." he whispered.

I blushed and raised my head to meet his eyes "you do?"

"Yes. Now let me prove it."

Before I could object, Frank had pulled my ankles and sent me on my back. I gasped and blushed, looking down at him as his head lowered slowly.

I shivered as he removed my jeans, the cool air hitting the insides of my thighs. I felt myself grow aroused at the anticipation, the feeling of his warm breath over my boxers.

I tangled my slender fingers in his greasy hair, my nails lightly digging into his scalp as he tugged my dark green boxers to the floor.

I flushed with insecurity, hearing him mumble about how big I was. I felt him slowly stick his tongue out, dragging it along the underside of my length. I hummed and watched him slowly move his head down over the top, his lips stretching to fit around me.

Suddenly, a warm like no other surrounded me. All at once I felt hot, sticky, wet sensations.

I moaned quietly, increasing in volume as Frank applied pressure with his cheeks. He began to bob up and down, his tattooed fingers kneading the chubby flesh on my thighs. I bent my knees beside his head so he could have better access, and with each thrust of my hips I felt him gag lightly.

My thighs indistinctively clenched together, the overall sensitivity of it all causing me to shutter. He spread my legs again and continued his movements.

I felt my hips buck at an alarmingly quick pace, my hands tugging at his hair. The pressure in my stomach building, my back arching. All I saw was stars as I came right down Frank's throat.

The intensity of it all made me completely sit up before falling down again, rapidly breathing and trying to catch my breath as Frank spit out what he couldn't swallow.

"Was that proof enough?" He got on top of me, hovering his lips over mine. He pressed them together in a gentle kiss. I ignored the taste of well, me, and smiled in reassurance at him.

"Most definitely, Frankie.. does this mean yous my daddy now?" I cooed, feeling my mind descend into little.

"Yeah, baby boy. It does. Now close your beautiful eyes and rest well, when you wake up, I'll finish those pancakes for you."

I nodded and laid my head on Frank's chest, closing my eyes and allowing sleep to take over.

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