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Varieties they say, is the spice of life. Are you used to writing just one genre of poetry? Maybe you're used to writing only sad poems; try this: try writing other genres like horror, spiritual, mystery, happy or whatever rocks your boat. If you're used to writing just short poems, how about writing longer poems? Make them long so they explain all you have to say, but not so long to bore out your reader.

Learn new worlds. The human mind is very powerful, it picks up words without the owner's knowledge. By reading books, your mind stores new words; and even if you don't check the dictionary, you know the meaning because you saw the way the words were used.

#Useful tip: Always have a dictionary nearby while writing a poem.

What do you know about figures of speech? The metaphor, irony, simile and so on. This little babies are true weapons that'll make the cooking of your poetry

as superb as soccer.

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