Stay beautiful

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Some words should never, ever appear in poetry. Never!

They make your poems appear ugly. Why would anyone use words like pollution, salutation, sedimentation, business, syllable, labour etc in poetry; they are nonpoetic in nature, they are very 'fugly'. Even if the words are going to be used use them only if they are absolutely necessary, and don't use them too much.

Try to describe everything. Are you speaking about a beautiful flower? Write about the petals, the branches. Don't just say it's beautiful, tell us why. For example:

You're beautiful,

I'm lost in your eyes.

your lovely smile

lifts me high.


I now live with fear,

night and day

this monster attacks.

Harder and harder,

till my heart beats like

a madman's.


The lord lifted me,

he placed me on his holy


so high my light shines.

One thing you notice with these three genres verses (romance, horror and spiritual), they don't possess ugly words and I described the feeling in details. Good luck trying out yours.

The End

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