Peace and Chicken Grease

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*clears throat*

now that i have captured your attention

i wanted to ask a question

what would you like to see/read in my books?

like im not sure what to do or like where I'm going with a couple of my books:

•heart beat

•say yes

•mamas boys

•shes the new guy

like i don't know whether to make the books like 10 or 20 chapters long because i don't wanna bore you guys to death and i try to make them interesting and original as possible but i don't know how long to make them.

like with me dean story i try not to make him like mean and shit like other authors who make their m/c love interest over possessive and have bipolar feelings (but that's totally fine) i just wanted to make him different and make him relatable.

same it the say yes story. i wanted to make hoseok a poor father whose struggling to hold up a family and he meets a average middle class teacher who he falls in love with and probably make her his children's stepmother instead of having him be a rich guy whose either arrogant or like idk. but you get the picture.

she's the new guy. i honestly don't know where that story is going that why i haven't updated. i write straight from the imagination like it was a move inside of my head and i wrote what i see (if that make sense)

Mamas boys. I'm so glad some of you like that story. i wanted to write an MDLB story for so long since there are barely any stories featuring bts like that and i might've been the first one. but i have know idea how to write i story like that so I've just been winging it.

it's like i want to do so much for these stories but i don't K ow where to start.

and another thing, i really hate reusing the words i, and, rolls eyes (because there's alot of eyerolls), raising eyebrows, like.

i use those words ALOT. and i try not to do it because idk why it annoys me sometime.

i also try to make the chapters long as i could because i want you to imagine in your mind what I'm writing and how i see things. i was planning on making chapters short but every detail matters and i don't want a poorly written book. that's why i want you guys to comment sometimes or give my constructive criticism because i will never know if you don't understand something if you don't tell me.

votes. i honestly could care less if you vote or not. if you vote for my books thats great, if you don't but you still read them that's just as great. it just lets me know that you guys actually like reading my writings.

i don't really like writing authors notes at the end of chapters because I'm gonna be totally honest i don't like reading long authors note but i do anyways in case there's important info that if the books getting deleted or something like that.

but i don't know what you guys like want, if you want a smut in my books, tell me , i wouldn't know if you don't and even though it'll be my first time, i will do my best to meet your needs and expectations.

if i need to write more interesting things and events or make a character that matches your sense of humor, not everyone have the same sense of humor i do. tell me. I'll see what i can do.

if you guys want me to feature something just tell me.

thank you for reading this through and i hope you enjoy the rest of your evening.

I'm updating heart beat later on and if you want you could go check it out.


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