Story idea

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dude like I'm watching Chronicle right now
and i wanna make like an Monster X or a BTS fanfic that's similar to this movie.

I can mostly see it as a BTS story but idek


with amber, eric, kris, ailee, and kevin

for those who doesn't know what Chronicle is about . It's about three teenage boys which is Andrew, Matt and Steve were at party at an abandoned building and they found a deep hole when they went into the woods and then they went down the hole which they found a alien crystal like wall and when they touched it they gain powers.

They were having fun using their powers until Andrew decided it was funny use the force and push a moving car that was trailing behind them and started beeping like an annoying person would while you're driving in front of. But he did it by accident and didn't mean to push the moving car off the road and putting the drive of the designated vehicle. And then Matt started making rules since the Andrew harmed an human being.

then later on in the movie Andrew was being beaten by his father and fought back. once he knocked his dad out he flew up into the night sky which was storming out and Steve found him and tried to confront and comfort him , which only lead to Andrew getting angrier as they started arguing because Steve was trying to help him. It resulted that Steve was struck by lightning causing his unconscious body to crash into the ground in the middle of the field they were above so he died because of Andrew.

Andrew started to loose control of himself and started using his powers to do wrong, to pay for his dying mothers medication and using his powers against his bullies in not only in school but the neighborhood bullies also. He also named himself an apex predator of the food pyramid.

I didn't really watch the end but i know Andrew and Matt fought because Andrew tried killing his dad when Andrew was laying in the hospital.

I want to make a story like that but just not kill anybody off like how they did in the movie. I wanna make my own idea of killing them off. It's also gonna be lie Cloverfield if you guys ever seen of heard of that movie too. And if i would've have either Jungkook, I.M, Kevin or Kris as one of the lead characters.

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