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Ugh WE MADE IT! After all the shitty moments in 2016 , we survived..HOW DO YOU FEEL HOMES. Anywho thank you guys. So much. I've been more like, active with readers more than i do in real life tbh. I've met and made amazing friends (you know who you are) on wattpad and they've made the rest if my 2016 better. And I feel accomplished because this book has over 8.8k reads and over 800 votes *claps* I honestly didn't think it would have so many of those. And I'm glad most of you enjoyed my work.... there's gonna be more best to believe that. I'm ranting nonsense but

I hope your New Year of 2017 will be better, filled with opportunities and no bullshit. That you'll reach and achieve whatever goals you set for yourselves. And live life happily and to the fullest because after 2k16 we all deserve it.

And that's end of my cringy and long ass .....rant?

Btw I love you! *points to screen cracked ass screen *

You smart , You loyal, You're greatful, I appreciate that

(pretty sure I fucked that up xD Bye~)

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