CHAHOPE/Chaseok Pt2

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Remember the Chachi x Jhope ship i made like months ago....

I did a thing

I did a thing

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1. Im pretty proud of this 

2. I didnt use photoshop 

3. And i'm doing the rest of the ships later. Im also gonna be posting them on my instagram @ _thellamalyfe

4. I am taking request..not just making the ships but also fangirl moments for this book because..this book is dead/dry/gone/deceased. Please help bring it back to life

And last but not least...Thank You for the 12.4K reads and almost 1000 votes. Thats amazing. I honestly didn't think people who like this book,  matter of fact ANY of my books so thank you for those also!

P.S. I'm also working on 3 more NEW books....and i know i said i was gonna come out with the teaser to my other book but im gonna have to postpone that until June 19th the day before I release the book. But seriously thank you my lovelies <3 


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