serious talk

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So me and my friends were talking about collages and I mentioned going out of the country to be an exchange student, since I'm going to collage to be an Teacher of an English Foreign Language.

I still haven't decided where I wanted to go.

And like I kinda wanted someone to go with me just to travel or if they were going to collage in that field...

I'm really debating to go to Japan or Germany because

1) In Japan I have a brother there and he could probably help me out; not only I wanna go there for that but I've always been fascinated with that place and its culture.


2) My oldest brother used to live and Germany so he might be able to go with me and help me out.

Can I have some opinions (constrictive criticism). Maybe it'll help me choose on which country I should go to, I'm still doing research on it but still can't decide.

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