4 - Get up Johnny Boy because we all need you now

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The girl on the pic is Jodie

"What about Jenna?
She doesn't forgive me
What happened
I'm sure she will one day
I love her, I loved and I still love Josh too. It seems like all the persons I love have problems
Don't say that
Even you
What me? I'm fi-"
A guard is coming for me. He takes me far from my cell and Tyler. He's looking at me while I'm waiting for my turn in the bathroom of our "cells district". I feel someone is looking at me while I'm entering inside the cabin.

The soap is going back to his home, I love to think this when I watch the water going into the canalisations hole. I see my reflection in the wall. Is it me? Or is it Jodie? I don't see my black hair, I see her red hair, her brown eyes and her pink lips. I see her kind face and her smile.

There's a metallic sharp on the ground. Where does it coming? I take it, it could be useful. My time here is almost over so I put my clothes and look at me in the mirror. I'm still that black haired girl, nothing changed. I'm not Jodie. I'm Ashley. And Jodie is dead. Here's the story.

I'm coming back to my cell. I feel like the colors are fading in this one. The orange of my suit is not so orange. Maybe a little grey. "Ashley. Who's Jodie?" I hear his soft voice behind me. It seems like he's always at the point he's going to cry but I'm in love with this voice.

I'm in love with this voice since I discovered this guy. He has a band before. With his friend Joshua Dun. And their songs were my saviors. Jodie made me listen to them. She knew that I will love them. I loved their musics so much that they can made me smile at every moment. My dream was to meet them.
At least, I'm Tyler's friend. Eh. What a sad story. "Tyler, Jodie was... She was Jodie. And I... I... You know what
I'm... I'm sorry Ash
That's nothing Ty
What do you know about death Tyler?
He looked at me. Certainly searching a good answer.
I have killed a man and all I know is I'm on the Run and Go
Lyrics quote, The Run And Go. Will you tell me what happened one day?
I don't know, Ash. I don't know."
He's looking at me with his anxious face.

Tyler seems to have tears in his eyes. I hope he'll tell me one day. We'll be able to help each other then. I want to help him. I don't want him to be sad. I don't want him to have tears in his voice or in his eyes, I don't want him to think about suicide because he saved me from this with music.


A plot twist is coming not so far :P

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