Chapter Twenty Two: She is not a Killer

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"So you met her?" William asked Jennie with exciting tone to make sure after she finished telling her story

"Yes" she said with smile

"And you treated her as well?" he asked to make sure as he narrowed his left eye more

"Yes as she was injured"

"Thank god! My little girl is okay" he said in relief as he got hopes again

It has been a while since they heard anything about her and from what Jennie told them, she escaped from Thomas and now she most be trying to make her way home

"We are really grateful to your help Ms. Martin" Pedro said with happiness as he was relieved as well

William looks like who just woke up from a happiness coma "Thank you Jennifer, you don't know how much you reassure us" he said with grateful sound as his eyes sparkled with hope again

Jennie was happy for them

"And that guy with her…" Pedro said but he stopped as he forgot his name

"Lucas" Jennie reminded

"Yeah, him, is she with him now?" Pedro asked

"For our last meeting, yes she is with him but I don't know now if they are together till now, this talk since three days ago" she said

"We should find her quickly before Thomas's men get her first or that guy does anything to her" William said to Pedro as he stood up from the couch

"Don't worry, he won't harm her, he is the one who brought her here and he said he is goanna get her back to you himself" she said to reassure him and to defiant for Lucas "I really have doubts about what they said about him in the news" she added with in sarcastic way

"We don't know for sure, he is the one who kidnapped her after all, thank you for your help" William said and went out the apartment with Pedro and shut the door after them

Jennie stood in the middle of the living room without any movement for a while, she was confused and hopped that they were okay after all this time

Lucas was running and Diana behind him; they were running across the dirty backstreet and didn't know where to go and where they are

"What kind of people are they?! How could they know our place?!" Diana said while running

"I don't know, all I know that these bastards are hunting us like animals!" he snapped in anger while running

"We can't just keep running like this without knowing what's leading them to us" she said firmly

They felt that there is no one behinds them so they took the opportunity and leaning on the wall to take some breaths

"Yeah… you're right, but how? I threw my phone away and changed my cloths and you too in case Thomas put something without our knowing" he said hardly as he was panting from running

"Maybe your job" she suggested as she was panting like him and looked at him "It might be someone recognized you and told them about you" she clarified

"I chose this particular place 'cause I know no one would squeals about me as this bar is filled by thugs" he straightened up and took last deep breath after he said that

"Shhh… listen" Diana whispered cautiously and heard carefully while looking around

Lucas did as he told; "It seems we messed them" she looked at him and exhaled in relief with a bit cheerful smile

"You're right" he said in surprise "We better move and find a safer shelter before they find us again" he told her and walked with a careful steps; she waited for a bit and then followed him

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