How they get your Attention

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He smacks your butt or pulls you close. Hes always loved you butt, you never knew why though, he'd just say its cause you have the nicest butt here. (Beside Clints♡)

He'll poke your side to make you laugh or whisper stupid things in your ear like. 'If you were a potato, I'd peel you....wait that sounds weird...i said that wrong. Hold up ill get it!'

He follows you everywhere you go till you look at him. If you go to the bathroom he'll stand outside the door. He's there when you close the fridge door scaring the shit out of you. Sometimes he'll sit right by you, an inch away and just stare at the side of your face till you burst out laughing.

He always has your attention. The problem is, you always have to get his attention. Hes always focused on trying to get rid of 'the other guy' till you just turn him around and sit on his lap hugging him. He smiles and wraps his arms around you softly.

If you're sitting down he'll go up behind you and wrap his arms around your neck and kiss all over your cheek. He keeps doing it till you turn your head and kiss him.

Out of no where he runs up, grabs you and runs off fast. He runs to a clearing in a little field and hold you on his lap softly kissing you. His favorite time to do this is when you're mad or annoyed with him.

If you're doing something like playing on your phone, or reading, or even eating she'll take it from your hand and hold it over your head so you cant reach it. She always taps her lips and smirks a bit, she keeps it in the air till you kiss her.

She wraps her arms around you and grabs your butt then runs her hands up your sides a bit. She'll kiss you and leave smirking making you frown and follow her whining that she was a tease.

He picks you up wither you're sitting or standing and if the ceiling is high enough he puts you on his shoulders. If not he holds you like a baby and buries his face in your neck smiling big.

He always has your attention and you always have his, he love you more then anything and he love you more then everything.

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