birthday gifts to you

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(My cute little button.^^^)

The first birthday gift he gave you was a trip to Paris and the most gorgeous locket with a picture of you two in it.

He bought you loads of art materials and a few art sketch books.
(I NEED A STEVEY DADDY!! ya know.... like sugar daddy.....but steve....yeah.)

He bought you a fish named Speedy and got you a few books you've been wanting

You woke up that morning and beside you on the bed was a huge stuffed bear and a birthday card with cute little sticky notes saying how much he loved you

He took you out to see a movie and got you a stuffed animal piggy

He got you a husky pup named Gambit and a cute little charm bracelet with shoes and a little paw

She payed for bi-weekly cooking lessons cause you had always wanted to learn to cook.

She got concert tickets to go see your favorite person/band

He took you to Asgard to meet his friends and spend the week together

He (fury really) took you to a lake house where you two stayed curled out either on the couch or dock together for a week.

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